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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Jul 3, 2007

I can’t use her name, however, this young lady makes unique and unusual purses out of leather boot tops.

She cuts the often-fancy and decorated top of a leather boot off at about the ankle area. Her husband cuts, with his saws, a wooden bottom to just fit up into the cut-off top to become the purse bottom. It is then nailed in place with fancy headed upholstery tacks, through the leather into the wood. She often uses leather belts for the purse straps. Of course, the larger the boot the larger the purse.

As we know many boot-tops are made of beautiful hand tools and fine grades of leather, and with fancy tops I can see some very clever and attractive purses, can’t you?

Thank you for sharing such a great idea with us.

Many of us are now making purses out of jeans using the whole jean top with all of its pockets. Or there are the two-hip, or cargo pockets back-to-back, creating a pocket between those actual pockets for a small purse.

The decorated jean leg, cut off, is sewn across the bottom to stand like a small paper sack for a small tote purse.

They now have purse-making parties, groups getting together to make purses out of everything these days.

Patterns are available for a whole variety of purses and tote bags, and the way time flies perhaps we could even begin to think Christmas gifts.

See you all next week.

Our local VFW’s current sign “Fly Old Glory and pray for our troops” says it for us today.

— Aunt Norie can be reached at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or at auntnorie@bdc.net