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Mayor ‘chats’ online

By Estuardo Garcia - | Jul 3, 2007

Sometimes getting some one-on-one time with Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal to answer burning city questions is as easy as clicking a button.

On Wednesday, Vestal was invited by 6News Lawrence and the Lawrence Journal-World to participate in an online chat with readers.

Vestal wasn’t even able to finish greeting the guests before the first question was posted, asking the mayor about the hot topic for the day — the Leavenworth County District Court ruling as to whether the County Road 1 petition was legal.

A user, registered under the name “Trouble” immediately asked the question, “If the Judge on the county Road 1 comes back letting the council to decide to put our tax money out there are you for that?”

The mayor responded that they would if the city and county could reach an interlocal agreement.

For the next hour the mayor answered questions ranging from improving older homes in Tonganoxie to more questions from Trouble about the petition and the private use of public vehicles.

Overall, Vestal said the chat was a great opportunity to communicate directly with residents and potential residents of Tonganoxie.

The mayor also said that he is always willing to answer questions from the public and asked for people to e-mail him at tkpd603@sunflowerbroadband.com.

The full transcript of the mayor’s chat can be found at www2.ljworld.com/chats/2007/jun/27/mike_vestal/.

The Journal-World and Sunflower Broadband Channel 6 are owned by The World Company, which also owns several area weekly newspapers, including The Mirror.