Springdale News
Orie and Jan Nelson traveled June 8 to LaCrosse, Wis., to attend the Ranger Rally, a reunion of all classes of Logan High School since 1940. They had an enjoyable time seeing long-time friends, classmates and relatives.
On Sunday they took Orie’s Aunt Millie Nelson to brunch and shared several delightful hours reminiscing. En route back to Kansas, they spent two days with friends in Illinois, Curt Bork and Sheryl Falone, and then traveled with them to their new home in Memphis, Mo., where they will relocate soon. Curt is a longtime friend who shares Orie’s enthusiasm and hobby of restoring MGs and Jeeps.
On June 14, Orie and Jan Nelson flew to Florida to be with Camille Wayde, Cody and Jennifer. Camille is the daughter of the Nelsons and Cody and Jennifer are their grandchildren. They spent an enjoyable week with the family sightseeing, eating wonderful meals at home and away on the ocean. They also celebrated Orie’s birthday and Father’s Day and did lots of shopping. It was a special week learning of the grandchildren’s jobs and activities. They live in Ormond Beach, north of Daytona. They found the weather beautiful and pleasant.
The farewell supper for Rev. Jason Fergerson was June 24 at the home of Dyla and Kevan Lawrence and was well-attended. It was also a special occasion for Megan Lawrence.
The Seattle cousins visiting at the Schwinn homes left for their home last Wednesday.
Peggy and Ed Gillaspie entertained with a pizza party for the Seattle cousins June 26.
Randy and Amy Schwinn entertained with a birthday party June 24 for their daughter, Emma, who celebrated her fourth birthday.
Cara and John Moses spent June 25 at the bed and breakfast in Valley Falls celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary.
Cara Kruid and her daughter visited Anabel and Wayne Knapp on June 23.
Wanda and Staci Little were guests June 24 of Wayan and Anabel Knapp.
Jan Nelson visited Anabel Knapp last Wednesday.
The McLouth Bible School Program was June 24 at the United Methodist Church. Roughly 50 children attended. After church, a picnic dinner was held with a large crowd attending.