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Tonganoxie School Board Briefs

By Staff | Jul 12, 2007

TES renovation in crunch time

Renovations at Tonganoxie Elementary School likely won’t be finished when school is back in session next month, according to Kris Roberts of Turner Construction.

“It’s not the best, and we are doing what we can to get stuff moved where it needs to go,” Roberts told members of the Tonganoxie School Board at their meeting Monday. “The administration has been great to work with. I know the janitors, I know we’re driving them crazy.”

TES principal Tammie George said plans already are being made to accommodate the project work once school begins, including physical education classes being moved outside.

Renovations include a new floor in the south gymnasium, which also is where students dine for lunch, an expanded kitchen, larger library and new paint schemes in the hallways, as well as tile to replace hallways that previously were carpeted. In addition, administrative offices are being reconfigured.

Board member Bob DeHoff jokingly suggested the project, which started after school finished in late May, could be done sooner.

“They do ‘Extreme Makeover’ in seven days,” DeHoff said, triggering a roar of laughter.

Special meetings scheduled

The board will meet again at 6:30 p.m. today for a special meeting to interview director of operations candidates.

The board also scheduled a special meeting for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 25, to further discuss its 2007-08 budget.

Hirings, resignations announced

After a 15-minute executive session, the board accepted the resignations of technology director Carl Robison and Jim Moody, who also was part of the technology staff.

The board also hired Debbie Korb for its kitchen staff and Stacy Ann McGinley as a paraprofessional.

Milk decision back on the shelf

A decision to select a supplier for milk products for the 2007-08 school year was tabled.

The board looked at bids from Anderson and Erickson, Meadow Gold and Roberts, but requested more information before selecting a supplier.

Firm gets bid for asphalt work

Asphalt Systems Inc., Belton, Mo., will do asphalt repair at the Tonganoxie High School west campus parking lot for $53,740, the board decided Monday. Member Mildred McMillon abstained because she wanted to know more about the bidding process.

The district previously had asked Asphalt Systems Inc. to provide specifications for the project, a move with which board member Kathy Baragary disagreed.

“I just think that was a pretty big conflict of interest,” Baragary said.

“We’re going to be relying on the professionals as much as possible,” fellow member Darlyn Hansen said.

McMillon and Baragary took office Monday.

Board makes appointments

The board unanimously made the following appointments for the 2007-08 school year: Audra Boone, clerk and freedom of information officer; Rodney J. Stephenson, treasurer; Kansas Association of School Boards, attorney; Jamie Carlisle, Jill Dickerson and Tammie George, school lunch representatives; Richard Erickson, compliance coordinator of federal programs, affirmative action officer and school lunch hearing officer; Tammie George, Ty Poell, Jill Dickerson, Mark Altman, Jamie Carlisle and Brent Smith, school attendance officers; and The Mirror, official newspaper of the district.