Deadlines approach for farm p rograms
The Farm Service Agency is reminding farmers and ranchers that some program deadlines are fast approaching.
- Now through July 15 is Kansas primary nesting season.
- June 15 – Nominations for FSA County Committee election begin.
- Aug. 1 – Final date to submit nominations for the FSA County Committee election.
- Aug. 1- Final date to certify spring seeded acres and CRP.
- Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program acreages must be certified by Aug. 1 or 15 days prior to the onset of harvest or grazing.
- Aug. 3 – Final date to sign up for Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program without paying a late fee.
- FSA accepts applications any time for Farm Storage Facility Loans, Continuous CRP, Rural Youth Loans, and Direct or Guaranteed Operating or Farm Ownership Loans, including loans for beginning farmers and socially disadvantaged applicants.
Farmers and ranchers in disaster counties are reminded they have eight months from the date of a disaster declaration to apply for emergency loans to help cover production and physical losses.
A federal disaster declaration recently was placed on Leavenworth County because of widespread flooding.
To apply for FSA benefits, contact the Farm Service Agency at your local USDA Service Center.
FSA programs and services can be obtained at