Letters to the editor: Firefighters praised
To the editor:
A letter of thanks hardly covers the hours of work our volunteer firemen have put in the last week, so I’m making it public.
Tonganoxie has a team to be proud of that responded to all the “gas leak” calls. It’s a frightening experience to the customers, but all the young men I worked with Wednesday night and through the day Thursday are to be commended. They work long hours in a stressful situation and receive no pay, except our “thank yous” for a job well done.
And thank you to Dr. Stevens and staff for treating me for a respiratory infection after those long hours in the rain. I’m back on the white truck on the job.
Anna Hansen
Letters to the editor: Editorial produces angst
To the editor:
As the president of the Tonganoxie Library Board, I was dismayed when I read the May 3 “Our View” editorial about recent vandalism at the library.
I agree with the main theme that vandalism affects everyone and costs taxpayers money. However, clearly the writer is not a patron of the library.
He/she should have done more research before writing about what occurs there and what the Library Board does.
The Tonganoxie Library does not charge overdue fines. The stereotypical view of librarians “shushing” people has not been correct for years. People are free to talk quietly as long as they are not disturbing someone else.
Finally, no patron has “ensuing angst” if a book they want is already checked out. Not only does the library buy extra copies of titles by popular authors, but we also belong to a consortium with access to more than 2.5 million items.
The Library Board would like to buy more books instead of a security camera, but after the recent vandalism we feel we have no choice. The camera will help protect library property and our staff and patrons when the library is open after dark.
Since I have not seen the writer at any of our Library Board meetings, I wonder how he/she could write, “We also hope the board can get back to working on issues meaningful to the library’s mission.” Under the present board and director, the library has improved services, collection size and hours enough to achieve accreditation as a Major Service Center I. We are the smallest library in Northeast Kansas to achieve this classification.
I urge the writer and everyone in Tonganoxie to visit the library. You will find it has a lot to offer and is a major part of the community.
Janet Hofmeister
Letters to the editor: Food drive appreciated
To the editor:
The Good Shepherd Thrift Shop would like to thank the Tonganoxie and Basehor post offices, mail carriers and their many patrons for their contributions to the food drive recently conducted by the post office. We appreciate all the time and effort spent on this drive. God’s blessings to you all!
Jean Pearson
Good Shepherd Thrift Shop, Tonganoxie