Mayor’s informal poll shows public not bothered by signs
New Welcome to Tonganoxie signs at the south and east city limits on U.S. Highway 24-40 are going to stay as are unless the city receives enough complaints about the misplacement of a star that is supposed to represent the city.
Several weeks ago, Tonganoxie Mayor Mike Vestal took an informal poll with the City Council asking if the misplaced star was enough to completely redo the granite signs. The council agreed that there was no need to change the signs because many Tonganoxie residents were happy with them.
“I have not received one phone call about those signs asking why aren’t we going to change them,” Vestal said.
He said that he and others didn’t even notice the error until the Mirror reported on it May 2.
The one complaint the mayor has received was about the weeds growing around one of the signs.
Vestal said he would discuss possible landscaping and lighting ideas with the city staff.
City Clerk Kathy Bard said the city was currently looking into landscaping the area and putting different types of grasses and flowers to make the area around the signs look more appealing to the passing public.