Our View: Tonganoxie Days worth the effort
Several years ago, ESPN ran an advertising campaign to encourage viewers to tune into its Sunday night broadcasts of major league baseball.
“It’s baseball … you’re American,” was the gist of the message. Translation: Baseball is America’s pastime, and you really should be watching.
It is in the same vein that we offer this advice about attending this weekend’s Tonganoxie Days celebration: “It’s a summertime festival … you’re a Kansan.”
It’s true. Attending a summertime festival is as much a part of being a Kansan as is waving the wheat at a KU football game, clapping to the “Wabash Cannonball” at a K-State football game or talking about how if you don’t like the weather “stick around for five minutes and it’ll change.”
And so, keeping in mind that Tonganoxie Days is a summertime festival and we are all Kansans, we urge your attendance this weekend.
Sure, Tonganoxie Days’ success doesn’t hinge on your attendance. But the volunteer effort that goes into the annual event merits some degree of a community thank-you that can be best served by attending.
So this weekend, when you’re trying to figure out what you’re going to do, instead of hopping in the car and heading to a shopping trip out of town or sitting on the sofa watching one of those baseball games, head downtown or to VFW Park to take in some Tonganoxie Days activities.
After all, “It’s a summertime festival … you’re a Kansan.”