Jarbalo Jottings
Bid Sheppard, Henry and Mildred Ehart, Larry Grove and Tim Murry were some of the people who gathered Monday, June 4, at the home of Scott and Jannette Boudin in Tonganoxie to see Russell Ehart do a chainsaw carving on a tree stump. Russell was interviewed by KCPT-TV.
Jarbalo United Methodist Women met last Wednesday at the church for their monthly meeting. Seven members answered the roll call.
Plans were finalized for the June 8 tea at the church. Instead of a program, time was spent setting up tables for the tea.
Marilyn Oxley provided refreshments for the group. Those attending were Oxley, Rosie Oelschlaeger, Gladys Steffen, Bid Sheppard, Frances Jeannin, Faye Cleav-inger and Thamar Bennett.
The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. July 11 at the church. Connie Barnett will be hostess and lesson leader.