Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
In today’s hurry-scurry, dash-from-one-thing-to-another world, I often think of an old pioneer couple, my father’s Aunt Mary and Uncle Ollie.
As I grew up it was always fun to visit them. In our new shiny Model T Ford — not all that fast moving — it took a long time to get there.
The thing I remember most about Aunt Mary was her questions as to what we had done and were going to do — also what we planned to do, and we were just kids.
I doubt she ever wasted a minute. At the end of each day she would always ask Uncle Ollie, “Well dear what did you do with today.”
Now on the other hand I recall how my dad taught us to STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN. To stop, sit quietly and listen — really listen — to the sounds of nature, his “listen, you can even hear the wind as it moves through the leaves and the grass,” “the wind can whistle, or it can moan and hum a tune through the leaves.”
So what am I doing with today — I’m not wasting it. I’m enjoying it, spending it, appreciating every minute of it, all of God’s wonderful creations. A walk in the park or in the woods, alone with God and our thoughts our problems, eases lot of stress. Stopping to sit on a log and just listen can lift the weight of the world.
One can miss and lose a lot, just rushing madly through each day. Yet it seems today’s world is just running in high gear, pushing shoving crowding and why …
Thanks for letting me sound off. But stop and think about it, don’t you agree?
I watched a pair of blue jays sitting on a branch. They’d found a paper towel; they pulled and tore it into shreds then flew off and left it.
Relax with the family, take one night a week for fun in the back yard maybe.
God Bless now.
— Aunt Norie, P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie KS 66086