Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
People: The very foundation of what this great land was built upon people, as expressed in the phrase, “We the people.”
We forget all too often, until we need them all those in their jobs, those who serve us and help us in so many ways.
We learn when very small to accept help and as we grow to also help. To thank and to be thankful like a long chain of people — helping, trusting, sharing, caring.
It really bothers me that the first thing we nowadays have to teach a child is to be afraid of people — a little child so trusting
My, this was years and years ago. However, it has somehow always stuck in my mind. I was in the fabrics and patterns — seems now I’ve spent a good part of my time there — when this very small little girl in the notions department right beside me tugged on my sleeve little freckled face all smiles with complete trust on her face asked, “Please lady, could you help me. I need a really easy-to-thread needle for my grandma. I want to surprise her for her birthday, she sews a lot, she makes such pretty quilts she can’t see so good. and it’s hard for her to thread her needles. Mom said that would be a good birthday present for me to get for Grandma.”
We had such fun. I told her it helped to cut the thread on a slant. We used a pair of scissors to show her.
The child bubbled, “Oh I know she don’t do that.”
We picked out some thin long-eyed needles, embroidery, if I remember right.
I think of that child and her world. She really made my day that day, as children have a way of doing.
God Bless all of them all over the world. I could get carried away — I do, I guess when it come to the wee ones.
Love you all, take care now.
— Aunt Norie can be reached at P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie 66086 or at