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Letter to the editor: Thanks in order

By Staff | Mar 21, 2007

Thanks in order

To the editor:

This is to say “Thank you” to the lady who found my lost money order and gave it to John Evans to take to the bank. This was appreciated far more than you will ever know. I wish I could have sent a personal note to you, but Mr. Evans did not know your name. And of course I owe a thank you to John Evans for taking the money order back so it could be returned to me.

Billie Aye


Character matters

To the editor:

I was saddened and disappointed as I read the article in The Mirror, “It’s business as usual at school, principal says after meeting.”

I am concerned about the statement that was made by the principal of the high school, Tatia Shelton, that what she did on her own personal time away from Tonganoxie high School is her own business.

As a visible person with a major target on her back (her words, not mine), doesn’t it stand to reason that it does matter what you do in your personal life?

Whether you’re an administrator, school teacher, coach, Sunday school teacher, or just your average Joe, what we do away from our profession or vocation, especially if we work with youths, is important. Our character and reputation do count.

If I lie, is it OK as long as I don’t lie at work? If I cheat, is it OK as long as I don’t cheat at work? There are quite a few things we can do in this life that aren’t illegal. But just because they aren’t illegal doesn’t mean they won’t hurt or damage someone else.

As a former student of Tonganoxie High School and a taxpaying citizen who helps to pay the principal’s salary, I say it does matter, not only for Ms. Shelton and all the administration, but anyone who is in authority. You are responsible to do a job to the best of your ability and be an example to our young people. If a person does not want to accept responsibility and the far-reaching influence the position holds, maybe it’s time to step aside. I am sure there is someone who would want the job and be willing to be held accountable and would do the job with integrity, knowing they are helping to shape and mold the next generation of leaders.

Doug Bundy


Voters: Take note

To the editor:

In the late 1800s on what is now Fourth Street, a 40-foot roadway was dedicated equally, 20 feet on the north and 20 feet on the south according to the sectionline. The city now wants to widen the 20-foot road 31 feet, with additional footage for a sidewalk. We (residents who live along Fourth Street) were told the north curb would be placed on the edge of the existing right of way and would require 8 feet to 10 feet more from the north side of the road for sidewalks.

Paula Crook and I have protested since the beginning. We have known for some time the proposed road would be north of what the city calls “the right of way.” We have tried to discuss this with the city; we do not want to give more of our yards when the legal right of way proves there was footage on the south side for the sidewalks.

At the last meeting, the council told us that because the bridge is misaligned — because KP&L’s substation was built too close to the existing road, the road would be 2 feet north of the right of way. This leaves about 11 feet of acquired right of way on the south side the city could use for the sidewalks. After months and months of discussion by the council, the motion was made by Jason Ward and seconded by Jim Truesdell to place the sidewalks on the south side of Fourth Street. The motion passed 4-1.

Take note voters — projects like this will continue and your property may be next.

I want it known that we are as concerned about children and pedestrian safety as everyone else, but the burden of this project should be shared by property owners on both sides of Fourth Street. The facts and truth about the right of ways have never been discussed in a public meeting. This has made our once-pleasant neighborhood tense and uneasy. I hope everyone involved has learned and will handle these situations openly and truthfully.

Duane Nible
