Remember when: A community review
10 years ago, Feb. 19, 1997
Births: Pastor Thomas and Bonnie Saunders proudly announce the arrival of their adoptive son, Corey Thomas. Corey arrived from Korea on Jan. 30, 1997; Wes and Jenny Manning are proud to announce the birth of their son, Daulton Michael, born Feb. 5, 1997.
Hubert and Mary (Babcock) Kimberlin, McLouth, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary as guests of honor at a reception from 2-4 p.m. March 2 at McLouth United Methodist Church, McLouth.
Springdale Scene: Richard and Wanda Parker of our area are proud grandparents. Jay and Tyler Ewert announce the birth of their daughter, Holly Lynn, born Feb. 9, 1997.
John and Bonnie Mozingo celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday. This was held at the Conference Center at the Kansas City Junior College. The guests were served a buffet dinner, and a goodly number of guests came from Tonganoxie.
Jarbalo Jottings: On Sunday, John and Rita Dickinson hosted a birthday party for their grandson, Luke Montgomery’s 15th birthday, which is Feb. 17.
Sheryl Cleavinger, who resides in Tonganoxie, has been accepted for membership in the United States Collegiate Wind Band, a highly selective national honors band, which will make a three-week concert tour of Europe and England next July.
25 years ago: Feb. 17, 1982
C.J. McDaniel has been awarded a football scholarship at Illinois State University, Normal, Ill. C. J. played football on an athletic scholarship at Fort Scott Community College for the past two football seasons.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Winterringer, Kansas City, Kan., announce the birth of a daughter, Mindy Marie, born Feb. 7, 1982; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dennis Jr., are proud to announce the birth of their son, Brian Wesley, on Jan. 29, 1982; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Folsom Jr., Tonganoxie, announce the birth of their daughter, Angela Jane, on Dec. 10, 1981; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Peelen, Manhattan, announce the birth of their son, Brett Lee, born Jan. 27, 1982; Ron and Sandra Smith of Jarbalo announce that God has blessed them with twin daughters, Karen Eileen and Sara Lynn, on Feb. 7, 1982.
Springdale News: Saturday, Bill Sproul visited the Richard Parkers to help the girls start their steers to leading.
Girl Scouts Serve As Pages: Four Girl Scouts from Linwood served as pages in the Kansas State Legislature in Topeka on Feb. 8, 1982, to help fulfill requirements on badges and patches pertaining to citizenship. Glenna Kirkman and Vicki McKinney from Cadette Girl Scout Troop 501 served as pages in the House sponsored by Rep. Robin D. Leach, Desiree Suter, Cadette Girl Scout Troop 501, and Stefanie McKinney, Junior Girl Scout Troop 503, served as pages in the Senate sponsored by Sen. Edward F. Reilly Jr.
50 years ago, March 7, 1957
Deaths: Mrs. Mary Chavanne, 65, died March 1, 1957, at the home in Tonganoxie, after an illness of about four years; Mrs. Martha Mae (Biddie) Hughes, Tonganoxie, passed away March 3, 1957, at age 63; Word has been received of the death of a member of one of our old pioneer families, George W. Greever Jr., of El Centro, Calif., on Jan. 17, 1957.
Kansas? Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow is 18-year old Sally Bartlett of McLouth Rural High School. She is the oldest of 15 children. The blue-eyed, 5-foot-8-inch daughter of a construction superintendent received the highest score in a written examination on homemaking knowledge and attitudes administered to 3,147 senior girls in 242 schools through Kansas. Miss Bartlett will receive a $1,500 scholarship from General Mills and become a candidate with 47 other state winners and representatives from the District of Columbia for the title of All-American Homemaker of Tomorrow.
Births: Master Sgt. and Mrs. Alfred Brawner of North Little Rock, Ark., announce the birth of a daughter, Theresa Kay, on Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas, Jr., of Springfield, Mo., announce the birth of a son, John Melvern, March 4, 1957.
The Weekly News Reel: Our across the street friend, Hap Evans, is now being called Unhap Evans. Reason? He left all his teeth in a hospital in Kansas City. Welcome to the fraternity.
75 years ago: Feb. 11, 1932
The dairy barn on the A. L. Knox farm, southwest of Tonganoxie city limits, was burned early this morning when a shower and thunderstorm came up and the barn was struck by lightning.
Mrs. Ada Hodges, a sister of Walt Neibarger of Tonganoxie, died in Topeka early Tuesday after a week’s illness with appendicitis.
Another death as a result of use of kerosene on fires occurred Monday morning when Mrs. Frank Houk, wife of a farmer near Lecompton, died as a result of burns sustained when kerosene she poured on a fire exploded. Her young son extinguished the flames and prevented the house from burning.
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Clodfelter announce the birth of a daughter, Martha Lou, born last Wednesday, Feb. 3.
Edminster: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Yates, Jr., gave a dance party Feb. 6, which was enjoyed by all attending.
100 years ago, Feb. 21, 1907
Old Settler Dead: John Lynch, of Basehor, father of Mrs. C. P. Rhoads of this place, died at his home last Friday morning, after a lingering illness. He was age 73 years and was one of the oldest settlers of Fairmount Township. Mr. Lynch was born in Ireland but came to America while a young man.
Mrs. Wooten is very low with typhoid fever at Fort Leavenworth and is not expected to recover. Mrs. Cline, her mother, had been attending her but became sick herself and had to come home.
R. C. Nance received word this week that his father in Illinois had died, and he left to attend the funeral Monday afternoon.
Miss Daisy Nelson went to Kansas City, Kan., Saturday of last week, to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends.
Lafayette A. Collins, who slept in the basement of the courthouse for about 16 years, is reported to have died in the Soldier’s Home of tuberculosis. He was taken from the courthouse to the home in a hack about two weeks ago.
Fairmount: A straw-baling outfit from Leavenworth is turning out three bales per minute at John Klams’.
Opera House Saturday Evening: The Wrights in the four-act comedy drama “The Light House Robbery.” Plenty of good singing and dancing specialties. Prices 15, 25 and 35c.