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By Anabel Knapp - | Mar 21, 2007

The WHMS of Springdale Friends Church met in the home of Dyla Lawrence on Wednesday, March 7.

The songs, “I Need Thee Every Hour,” and “Near the Cross,” were sung.

Seven letters from the mission fields were shared by each lady and were discussed.

Dyla led in prayer. Roll call was answered by six ladies. It was to relate an incident God has used to mend your heart.

In business, minutes from December were read. Treasurer’s report and collection were reported. An invitation was received from High Prairie Ladies Bible Study to attend their spring tea at 1 p.m. April 19.

The meeting closed by singing “Best Be the Tie.”

Dyla served supper to six ladies, two children and two men present.

There will be no April meeting as it is Holy Week .

Wanda and Staci Tittle were guests of Wayne and Anabel Knapp on Monday evening, March 12.

Peggy Gillaspie and Evelyn Schwinn went to Jarbalo United Methodist Church on Friday, March 9, to attend the pancake supper.

Adam Schwinn, son of Johnny and Jackie Schwinn, celebrated his 15th birthday on Monday March 12. His sister, Amy, of Manhattan, came to have supper with him and the family.

Amber Gillaspie was spending Tuesday, March 13, with her grandma, Evelyn Schwinn.

Cody Sumerix will attend Boys State as a representative.

The awards for National Honor Society included Cody and Jennifer Sumerix, who were students at Eisenhower Patton Junior High School at Leavenworth for eight years prior to their move to Florida in 2006. They are the grandchildren of Jan and Oris Nelson of Springdale.

Austin Knapp was a guest of grandparents, Wayne and Anabel Knapp Saturday, March 10, and Monday, March 12.

Wayne and Anabel Knapp went to Nortonville to eat supper on Friday, March 9.