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Springdale News (March 28, 2007)

By Anabel Knapp - | Mar 28, 2007

Cody Sumeric, grandson of Jan and Oris Nelson, was given the Florida Boys State award given by American Legion, based on academic and community involvement.

Both Cody and Jennifer Sumeric are in the National Honor Society at Seareece High School in Ormond Beach, Fla. They are the grandchildren of Jan and Oris Nelson of Springdale. Cody is a senior and Jennifer a sophomore this year.

Curt and Sheryle Bark from Illinois were weekend guests in late February of Oris and Jan Nelson. They attended the Henry Leavenworth car club dinner, held at Sherrie’s Out Post Restaurant, while they were here visiting. Jan and Gloria Larison from Minnesota were weekend guests of Jan and Oris Nelson the first week if March.

Beth, Aaron Hecht and boys Carl and Lane attended the George Strait concert March 9 at Kemper Arena. It was a very good show.

Aaron, Beth Hecht and boys Carl and Lane left March 19 for a trip to Arkansas. They rented a cabin and went canoeing down Buffalo River. They returned March 23.

The Fall Creek Cemetery board will have a special meeting at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Springdale Fire Station. All members are asked to attend.

Marie Cook of Leavenworth was a March 16 dinner guest of Wayne and Anabel Knapp. They were celebrating Marie’s birthday.

Wayne Knapp attended the funeral of Betty Lungsford on March 16 at the R.L. Leintz Funeral Home in Leavenworth.

L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman of Springdale received word that a very good friend of theirs from Bellenville, Ill., died during the weekend of March 17. They left March 18. The funeral was March 19. The Chrismans returned March 20.

Kirk and Austin Knapp were March 18 dinner guests of Kirk’s parents, Wayne and Anabel Knapp. Kirk roto-tilled the garden, getting it in shape for planting.

The Schwinns of this area received word that their sister, Mary Barbara Allen, is seriously ill and is a patient at St. Luke’s Hospital.

A large crowd gathered at Springdale Friends Church March 18 for a potluck dinner for former Pastor Matt Lucas, his wife, Kristie and their children, Erica and Elijah. They are from Smith Center.

There is a lot of activity going on in the Springdale area, as it’s spring break for the schoolchildren.

Ron Keith was a visitor of Wayne and Anabel Knapp on March 21. He is a new neighbor to the west of Knapps, where the Petersons formerly lived. He and his wife Jane bought 10 acres. The Springdale area wants to welcome them to the community.