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Poet’s Corner

By Staff | May 2, 2007

Harry Davis is this week’s featured poet. These poems are from a book of poetry he published in the early 1980s, “Songs Along the Missouri.” Davis turns 92 today.

The Blue Mist
(Written when Harry was 20ears old and living inefiance, Mo.)

The blue mist is filling the valley tonight,
The hills are all silent in haze,
And my heart looking up to the faltering light
Is deep with the fullness of praise.

I rejoice in the ways of both good men and saints,
The pathway where innocence flowers,
Where the joy of our God is the balm of complaints
And answered petitions are ours.

And I pray that the angels may stand soft above
The beds where some precious ones sleep,
That their breathing may kiss the sweet features I love,
Their wings guard the peace of the deep.

Let the mist cover up all I see in the vale,
No mist may envelope my hopes,
For a sacredness haunts me and love in the dale
Rolls deep on its forested slopes.

Lost Loves

O where do lost loves go?
To where do they retire?
What winds snuff out their glow?
What waters quench their fire?

They must not wholly die
For memory retains
The vestige of a sigh
Above their sad remains.

The one who once has cared
Cannot undo the groove
Which once he neatly pared
Upon the desk of love.

O where do lost loves go?
To where do they retire?
What winds snuff out their glow?
What waters quench their fire?

Love Is A Glow

Love is a glow of never failing light
Surrounding every head.
Loves is a father standing in the night
Beside his children’s bed.
Love is communion keeping wedded life
As sweet as it began.
Love is the tender pity which a wife
Has for a struggling man.
Love was the cry which from our spirits rose
When those we loved were gone.
Love is the yearning which we have for those
Who beautified the dawn.
Love is the prize which is the goal of strife
When struggles all have ceased.
Love is the beautiful repast of life,
Its everlasting feast.