Letters to the editor: Removing the stigma
Please view our current Web site’s list of mental health partners at mindsandk9s.org/communitypartners/mentalhealthpartners.html. These individuals and organizations have declared, “What a Difference a Friend Makes!” – calling attention to the invaluable support a friend can play in the hope, healing and recovery process for a person diagnosed with a chronic health condition and the stigma that often accompanies it. This is especially true for conditions affecting the brain, and in particular, psychiatric illnesses and related disorders.
Unlike some cancers, stigma has no mysterious cause or unknown cure. We know its cause, we know its cure — don’t accept its use. Do you have a “SEC” (Stigma Elimination Campaign)? Join with Minds and K9s in our SEC campaign — it only takes a second to eliminate stigma — about as long as it took for you to read this message. Its elimination starts with you!
Declare your support; let others know you care about mental health!
Bustin’ the stigma …
Sharon J. Cunningham
Minds and K9s Inc.
Fort Leavenworth