Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: April 9, 1997
Thomas D. Stark has been promoted in the U. S. Air Force to the rank of staff sergeant. The sergeant is a helicopter crew chief with the 116th Helicopter Generation Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
Birth: David and Renna Handley wish to announce the birth of their son, Callon, on March 26, 1997.
Deaths: Robert K. Grube, 83, Basehor, died on April 7, 1997; Arnold L. “Jack” Gensler, 76, McLouth, died April 1, 1997; Harold N. Meeder, 88, Kansas City, Mo., passed away April 5, 1997.
Jarbalo Jottings: Jenny Lowe had a birthday dinner Sunday for Joel Pieper and Jeff Ball.
Springdale Scene: Anabel, Wayne and Kirk Knapp had a birthday supper Sunday evening to celebrate Kirk and Wayne Knapp’s birthdays. Also enjoying the supper were Bobby and Marie Cook of Leavenworth. It was also Marie’s birthday.
Barb Stephens was pictured with her new Siberian Tiger at 3 weeks old. The tiger’s name is Tuffy. Stephens and her husband, Richard, raise large cats on their farm northeast of Oskaloosa. Tuffy is now 9 weeks old. He was bought from a dealer in Longford and is expected to triple his weight in three months. Already he weighs 25 pounds and can be expected to reach 600 to 700 pounds.
25 years ago: April 7, 1982
Leah Hardy and Marsha DeHoff, Tonganoxie High School, are headed for national competition, following their first place win in the poster competition at the State Leadership Conference. Competition was stiff at the state conference, held March 25 and 26, at Emporia State University. Nearly 1,000 students from 39 schools competed in various business skill areas.
McLouth News: Robert C. Smith, Jr., is home from Korea, where he was stationed for one year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harding. After spending his leave at home, he will report to Fort Riley.
Births: Donald and Wendy Bundy are proud to announce the birth of a son, Adam Wade, born April 3, 1982; Mr. and Mrs. Rick Norman and their daughter, Danielle, are proud to announce the birth of their son, James Michael, born March 2, 1982.
Jarbalo Jottings: Harold and Frances Dougherty and Bud attended the funeral of her sister, Mary Bott Davoren, Friday in Lansing.
Linwood News: Floyd Basel, 78, Linwood, passed away March 26, 1982.
Springdale News: Willoughby, Evelyn, and Jeanette Schwinn attended the 50th Anniversary celebration Saturday afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grafke in Easton.
On Channel 19, Easter Sunday the Messiah at Lindsborg will be broadcast live from 2 until 5. Mr. John Evans, student at Bethany College at Lindsborg, will be singing in the chorus.
50 years ago: April 25, 1957
Death: Raymond Hicks, 47, formerly of Tonganoxie and Topeka, died Tuesday morning in Denver, Colo., according to word received by his sister, Mrs. Bessie King of Topeka.
Birthday Present From Guam: Mrs. Bertha Marshall and Elsie received for their birthday a Hakata doll from Mrs. Marshall’s grandson, Capt. Chelcie Wager in Guam. The Hakata was first introduced in the 16th century by Masaki Sohichi for his own amusement, out of clay. These dolls were used as ornaments in castles.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnstone were married 50 years ago on April 23. Sunday they were dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman, in Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone were both born in Scotland and later came to Canada and Kansas.
Basehor: Mrs. R. E. Chremser, known as Mrs. Bird O’Donell, passed away at the home of her son at Plymouth, Mich. Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon in Bonner Springs.
Ray Cronemeyer is the envy of all grass cutters on South Pleasant Street. He has a riding lawn mower. He says it has everything on it, except a cigarette lighter. Tom Laming, east on old Highway 40 has one just like it.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Somers announce the birth of a son, Curtis Leroy, April 15, 1957; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Clark, Jr., announce the birth of a girl, Cheryl Ann, April 22, 1957.
75 years ago: March 31, 1932
The announcement was made Tuesday evening that the WREN radio station had finally concluded a sale for its sending station here that day. The purchase of the land owned by Dr. W. B. Coe, east of the Himpel residence should make an ideal location, and one which will be a benefit to the town. It lays on the south side of No. 40. The WREN company bought 10 acres adjacent to the highway, with an option on the remainder of the 60 acres. The site is outside the city limits on the south.
Mrs. Alfred Taylor, 36 years old, a lifetime resident of Leavenworth County, and for some time a resident of the Hoge neighborhood, passed away Monday night at a hospital in Kansas City, Kan.
George Peters has enlisted in the Coast Artillery and left last Thursday for San Diego, Calif. After training there, he will be stationed at Honolulu.
Hawk Hollow: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holton entertained with a stag party Sunday evening honoring their son, John. There were six tables of cards. The first prize went to James Lenahan and consolation prize went to Robert Lenahan.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Newby, of Seabright, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, Saturday afternoon, when a happy gathering was held at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Stephenson, of Spreckels. The rooms were beautifully decorated with masses of spring flowers sent by the many friends of the honored couple. (Five granddaughters, present for the affair, were daintily dressed in old-fashioned frocks of gold crepe paper, and assisted the hostess in entertaining. They were: Virginia Newby, Dona Jones, Vivian and Alma Stephenson, and Margaret Ann Hausmann.)
Stanwood: William Morrow’s father passed away last Wednesday after a lingering illness of several months.
100 years ago: April 11, 1907
Almost Drowned: A 10-year-old boy fell into one of the big cider tanks at the Reedy Cider Mill a few days ago. Some boys had secured a ladder and the victim was helping the others to the cider when the accident occurred. The boy had a narrow escape from drowning. Efforts had been made to prevent boys from climbing to the tanks by removing the scaffolds and ladders and locking them up, but some of the lads are so bent on stealing cider that they continue in someway to make the 16-foot ascent. This incident ought to be a lesson to the boys.
Elmer Jones from the northwest part of the township was in town Monday. He reports the arrival of a boy at his home four weeks ago.
Chas. McCaffrey and Pat Lenahan were hunting jack snipes Sunday. The number they got hasn’t been found out yet.
Mrs. C. James and Gracie James attended the services at the Baptist Church in Oskaloosa Sunday, there being a “baptizing” at that place.
Stanwood: The 18-months-old son of Jacob Shrader and wife died March 29, and was buried in Wild Horse Cemetery.
The raise in railroad men’s wages gives the conductors on the Northwestern $150 per month.