Sixth-graders’ essays tell all about moms
Sixth-graders at Tonganoxie Middle School recently wrote essays about their mothers, and teachers submitted the works to the Lawrence Journal-World for consideration for a special Mother’s Day Tribute. Here’s a look at some of the submitted essays:
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My mom is special to me because she is always there. Whenever I have a sports game she is always there. Barely ever will she miss one of my games, only if it’s impossible to make it. She always cheers my team on when she is there.
Another reason why my mom is special is because she is very crafty. She always makes things like sewing and gluing stuff. Even when she ran for school board, she made all the signs. She also makes pillows and blankets for us. Even sleeping pants sometimes. People are amazed by what she makes.
A big reason why my mom is special is because she makes great food. Whenever people come over, they always like the food and want more. Sometimes they say that hers is the only kind of food they like. Half the stuff I eat I won’t eat anywhere else because it doesn’t taste as good as hers.
My mom also is great at discipline. She does not always get stuff if I want it. She never lets me get away with things. When I do something wrong, there are consequences. She’s always done the right kind of discipline.
Last, my mom is special because she is always there for me. When I am troubled, I know I can talk to her. It’s always fun to spend time with her.
Isn’t my mom the greatest mom?
— Keaton Truesdell
Mother: Diane Truesdell
My mom is the greatest one-of-a-kind mom. There is no substitute for my mom.
Why is my mom the greatest one-of-a-kind mom? The things she does put her on top. An especially wonderful thing she does is she is always there for me from start to finish. If it’s sitting on the sidelines cheering me to victory or standing beside me and helping me make the right decisions, it doesn’t matter — my mom is always there.
My mom is a friendly person. She doesn’t lie, cheat or steal. My mom always listens to people, treats everyone fairly and always thinks of me and my two other siblings before herself. That takes a lot of love. So I want to be just like my mom. She’s my role model. There is nothing I or anyone can say that’s bad about her. I want to be like that.
My mom, Karen Ahart, does so much stuff for me — I can’t love her more.
— Seth Ahart
Mother: Karen Ahart
What makes my mom special? My mom is athletic. For example, she lifts weights every day. She runs about three miles a day. She also plays soccer and softball for our church. Those are just some of the sports she plays.
My mom also is very smart. Right now she is working on her bachelor’s degree in environmental science. My mom’s probably in school right now at her trigonometry class. She also is taking chemistry, geology and some more classes that are important for her education, but I can’t remember them all.
My mom also is very easy to buy gifts for. All you have to get is something with a horse, and she will love it. My mom is a major horse fanatic. That is why my mom is important to me.
— William Bond, 11
Mother: Michelle Bond
What makes my mom special? Well, what would life be like if I didn’t have a mother? Life wouldn’t be as fun at all.
But I’ll tell you about her. She is caring, supportive, fun and helpful. She does most of the cooking and cleaning, helps me when I’m sick and loves me and my sister a lot. Mom is someone I can talk to, reminds me to do stuff, and she’s nice. My mom is so cool and lets me go to a lot of places. My mother is an awesome person and cares about other people. She is athletic and definitely one of a kind. When my mom says she will do something, you can trust she will do it. I don’t think there is anyone on the planet who could replace her.
I really love my mom. She is just so wonderful, there are almost no words good enough to describe her. My mother is the kind of person I would want to be with for the rest of my life. She is a great role model for me and my sister.
— Holley Thompson
Mother: Margery Thompson
Well, to start off, there are so many reasons that my mom is special to me. And I know that she loves me very much. I do as much as I can to help her out around the house because she does so much for Jeff and the kids.
She cooks, cleans, takes us to sport events, all while juggling her job from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. every day except Saturday and Sunday. But she also gives me guidance, supports me no matter what and always tells me how proud she is of me. But she also can be a disciplined parent when she needs to be.
But most of the time she is happy and she is really funny, or at least she tries to be. But I still laugh for the sake of it. But I think that when I am older I will want to be just like her because she is the perfect mom in my world.
And another thing is that she protects me from strangers and she wants me to have a better life than what she has. And I know that over the years that even though I don’t agree with all of her decisions that she knows what is best for me. But she tries the best she can, and that is why I love her so much, and that is why she is special to me.
— Jennifer Whitledge
Mother: Lisa Watson
My mom is special because she is always there for me. She helps me when I’m sick. She also helps me with my homework a lot. There are many things that make her special.
Another thing that makes her special is that she has an awesome job. She works for a clothing company called Peruvian Connection. She goes all around the world. She’s been to Morocco, England, Peru, Greece, Spain, Paris, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Sicily and more. She brings me stuff every time. I want to go to Peru really badly, so she said she would take me some day.
One thing that we do together is go to Operation WildLife. It is a place where injured animals like owls, hawks, rabbits and other animals are helped. I love all the animals there. There is one program where you can adopt a bird. That only means that you pay for the bird to stay there for another year, but it is still kind of yours. My mom for two years in a row adopted an owl named Gray. He is an Eastern screech owl. He is so cool! Another cool thing is that she adopted it in my name, so I own him.
I hope I convinced you that my mom rocks!
— Tanner Woolf, 12
Mother: Kelie Woolf
My mom is a supportive mother. She supports me by getting me food, video games and a home to live in. She is not the only one who takes care of me. My grandmother takes care of me also. She loves to cook. She cooks and bakes all sorts of things, like cakes, cookies and potatoes.
I can talk to her sometimes. She is very nice to me a lot. She disciplines me sometimes. I love to spend time with her, and she loves to spend time with me.
Sometimes I get mad at her, but she doesn’t give way. Today is April 17, and yesterday I chewed on a remote and she got really mad at me. Today she said forget about it. Yesterday I didn’t know why I was writing this, but now I know why I am. Even though she gets mad at me, I still love her.
I will always love my mom, even when she gets mad at me. So that is why my mom is the best.
— Aaron Rilinger
Mother: Cathy Jo Rilinger
My mom is special because she says I’m special.
My mom lives in St. Joseph, Mo., by the river. I go there every weekend. We do lots of stuff when me and my little brother go there. We go bowling, we play tennis and she takes me to the driving range so I can practice golf.
When we go to her house, we eat at my favorite restaurants. She is also a very good cook. She can cook almost anything you ask her to cook.
My mom is the best mom ever because she is nice and caring. She loves both me and my little brother, and that’s what makes her the best mom ever.
— Logan Clevenger
Mother: Jessica Grant
My mom is a very loving person. She is my soul mate. She watches TV with me.
She works hard to keep my brothers alive. She has three jobs she works at. She comes home and she is very tired because of her other jobs. But she still plays with us and goes places with us. She goes to the restaurant, and we eat there. My mom and I go to the park and play basketball sometimes. Then we go home and watch our shows. On the weekends I have to feed my bucket calves and she goes out and helps me with them. She helps me buy the bucket calves.
— Corey Johnson
Mother: Lisa Johnson
Have you ever had a superhero in your life? My mom makes me good food. She takes me to Worlds of Fun. She takes me to every softball game or practice. She takes us to the pool to swim, and she would give me money for food, too. My mom buys me nice clothes.
My mom does the dishes after every meal. My mom lost her mother, so she makes sure she was around. My mom had a baby boy. She is married and takes me to my programs. She tells me don’t use drugs or smoke. She tells us to behave.
My mother is a good person to me. She likes to tease me and my father and sister. She is very pretty and nice. She sometimes takes us shopping, too. She takes care of me when I am sick or hurt.
She wants us to respect her when she is sleeping. When it is my birthday, my mom and dad get me presents, cake and ice cream and take me to Worlds of Fun. We would write to my grandpa if we want to. My mom would help me when I am stuck or when I ask for help. That is why my mother is so special to me.
— Stephanie Patton
Mother: Christina Patton
My mom is a hero to me; she could have just put me up for adoption at birth. My mom is like Superwoman to me, and I really feel lucky.
My mom is my best friend. Every day that I have a bad day, she makes it good — no, even better — great! She lets me give her makeovers and lets me style her hair. Her personality is the kind you want to be around all day long.
My mom is a great role model. She never does anything that would make me do anything bad. She’s taught me confidence, manners, respect for others, self-respect, and I’m still learning. I really would love to be like my mom. Yes, she disciplines me, but she never overdoes it. Along with discipline, she knows how to have fun, too. She is so full of love, if something happened in a whole other galaxy, she would still cry, even though she wouldn’t know them.
No, I don’t love my mom because she buys me things, but because she cares about me. I feel sorry for someone who doesn’t have a person like this in his or her life. My mom truly is the best mom in the world. She always says she loves me more, but I know that I love her more, and that is true!
— Jody Baragary
Mother: Kathy Baragary
My mom is special because she is very supportive. She is very nice and knows which way to go with her life. She is a good cook. She is a horrible athlete, but she is the best mother in the whole wide world. She is just like me — funny, cool, nice and smart. She believes in discipline, and she is full of guidance.
My mom reminds me to do well in school. She loves to clean up messes. She lives in a tiny camper in Missouri. We always play PS/2 in the middle of the night. She likes to go swimming and camping. My mom and I love to fish and play in the water. Our top-five things to drink are 7UP, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, lemon-lime soda and Jones soda. We like to watch TV on a 42-inch plasma TV. We also like to go on boats and fish.
My mother dropped out of high school because she didn’t like school, but she is still smart. She went to Tonganoxie Elementary School, like me. She lives next door to nice people and has lived in more than five places. My mom works in the nursing home to help elderly people. My mom also feeds me and puts a camper over my head.
— Zach Balthrope
Mother: Janet Mills
My mother is special to me for many reasons. For one, my mom loves me no matter what and is always there for me. I know this because she always wants to know what I am mad or sad about. She tries to be nice to everyone, but of course some people just make her mad.
My mom is special because she is just like me in many ways. We both have basically the same sense of humor, and we like mostly the same foods, except she likes fruits and vegetables. She is very supportive of me and my dreams. With me being the older brother, I get in trouble a lot, though I wish I wouldn’t.
My mom is an awesome cook. She fixes gourmet meals almost every night. She hates to clean, but she does it as much as she can to take things off our chores list.
Overall, my mom keeps our house up and running. She is the best in the world.
— Hunter Speakman
Mother: Kelly Speakman
What makes my mom special? Where do I begin? I’ll start with what makes all moms special — cleaning. My mom cleans everything in the house, whether it’s the dishes or my black hole of absolutely no return bedroom. She will always clean my room, even if she says that she’s not going to clean my room while I’m at school, she always does. I’ve never really said that I appreciate that she cleaned it.
My mom is a saleswoman. She sells Scamper’s Choice horse feed and Tahitian Noni Juice. Even though my mom says I’m a pain in the rear, I know that she will always love me. When I really irritate her (which I never do), she says she’s going to run away, but I know she never will.
I can usually come to my mom with any problem I have. Anytime I have a problem with my homework, she’ll always help me with it. I could go on for hours about how great my mom is, but there’s not enough paper in the world. I can summarize it all in one sentence: My mom absolutely, positively loves me no matter what, will always love me, and that’s what matters.
— Cody Saladin
Mother: Shirley Duran
My mom is extremely special to me because she has dealt with my big mouth ever since I could talk. And if I were her, I’d probably punch a brick wall, but that’s just me. She is young and someone I can talk to. I vent to her all the things that happened with people I dislike — my friends, my teachers and popular kids who think they are better than everyone else. She just takes it all in while comforting me that it will all be OK.
She also is special to me because she is willing to cook for me and clean up for me if I don’t already. (Which is unusual among most moms — the cleaning part, not the cooking.) She dealt with my ice obsession when I was little, where I would go through at least five ice trays a day for about two years. (No kidding.) And she picked up every last tray while lecturing me about how I should pick up after myself. (Go figure.)
My mom is a lot like me because she is insane, funky and funny, and I love her very much. My mom will always be special to me, and I will always be special to her.
— Haley Ketchum
Mother: Jennifer Ketchum
My mom is special. She does a lot of things to make me laugh, like a monkey swinging from branch to branch.
She dances like a person in a forest. My mom makes me laugh when she tries to say something and says something weird. She says, “I can’t lift rat” instead of “I can’t lift that.” She comforts me through good times and bad. She believes I can do it. My mom helps us with cleaning around the house. Like my sister was helped with her room (which was a swamp). There is not another mom I could ask for. My mom cares about me like a cat when it sticks to you and doesn’t let go.
She likes many people. When my friends come over, my mom takes us out to eat so they think she’s a cool mom (which she is). When they come over, she offers them some snacks and drinks. When I go to someone’s house, she says have a good time and don’t make any bad choices. That’s why my mom is special.
— Tyler Hall
Mom: Carla Hall
My mom is special. She’s one of a kind, and there are many reasons why.
She has an awesome job as a speech pathologist. It’s a part-time job at Bonner Springs schools. She works with kids from preschool through high school. Her part-time job allows her to work only on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The rest of the time is for her kids.
We look a lot alike. Our hair is almost the same color — a little darker than dirty blonde. Our faces are similar shapes. They’re not completely oval, but not round either.
She loves me. No matter how much trouble I get in, my mom will always love me. She might be a little mad. She cares for everyone — even strangers. If something bad happens, she worries about the people involved. My mom also takes in dogs that get dumped at our bridge. We’ve taken in four so far. One was a female about a year old. The other three were puppies.
My mom is very special. She may not seem special to you, but she’s very special to me.
— Kelsi Briggs
Mother: Michelle Briggs
My mom has always been behind me 100 percent. She helps me out and encourages me to do things and tells me to test my limits. She supports my talents. And she forces me to clean my room. My mom loves to sing and tries to dance. But most of all she loves me.
My mom tells me I’m God’s gift to the world, but I know she’s the real gift. I wouldn’t be happier with any other mother. I love her, and I know she loves me. I’m lucky to have such a great mom. I know she’d do whatever she could to help me in times of trouble. I’d do anything for her.
My mom is a friend to me. She tells me her thoughts about things, and I tell her mine. I’ll talk to her about what’s going on in my life, and she gives me advice. When she needs reassurance or someone to back her up, I’m there.
If she’s not the best mom you’ve met, well, then you haven’t met a mom. She is always willing to have people over or invite someone in. She makes sure there is a warm bed and food for our visitors. No matter what, she’s kind and welcoming, and warm and nice.
People say we are a lot alike. I don’t know, but I would be glad any day to be like her. She is an extraordinary person with positive moral values. I would be happy to grow up and be like her. That is why mom is more special than anyone else.
— Hannah Kemp
Mother: Tammy Kemp
My mom is very special. She loves me very much. She is always there for me if I need her. I can always talk to her and share my thoughts. She also talks to me.
My mom is very smart and athletic. She also likes to read. My mother was a former science teacher and principal. She likes to watch football, baseball and any other sport my sister and I play. She likes to play softball and basketball.
My mother loves to spend money on my sister and me. She always buys us stuff at the store and always takes us to the movies. She always gets us birthday and Christmas presents. My mom gets us stuff for good report cards.
My mom is a good cook. She makes many different types of food. She makes us dinner a lot of the time, but other times we go out to eat.
My mom is kind and supportive. She comes to all of my athletic events. She comes to all my programs and band concerts. She drives me to all my events.
I have an outstanding mother!
— Brett Shelton
Mother: Tatia Shelton
My mom is special to me in many ways.
My mom is the best mom ever. She does a lot for me, and with all the things she buys me, she does really well for being a single mom. She buys me just about anything I want. She is nice and fun, but you don’t want to make her mad. She also has lots of fun with her friends — she has a lot of friends, just like me. We are a lot alike. She works at McGraw Fertilizer, just outside of Tonganoxie. My mom would be surprised if I won this. I love my mom and I think she is special because of all of the things she does for me. My mom is my soul mate. She is special to me.
— John Lean
Mother: Dorothy Lean
My mom is everything to me. She spends quality time with me and my siblings. When she knows something is wrong with me, she asks if I want to talk about it. She’s very supportive, and she makes time to cook, clean and take care of us, with her job on the other hand.
My mom makes sure that we have our homework done, and that we’re in bed at a reasonable time. Most of the time when I ask my mom if I can spend the night at my friend’s house, she says no. And I beg and beg her, and then she’ll give in. My mom is funny, but once in a while she can be really dumb. Other times I get yelled at for not doing what I was told. But I am glad because one of these days I will need to learn how to take care of myself.
My mom loves to take me and my sister shopping at the Legends or the mall. I love that about her because she tries her best to keep us satisfied, by getting groceries, clothes, school and sports things and more. I love my mom very much, and she loves me, too. And that is why my mom is special to me.
— Mercedes Ramirez
Mother: Traci Eveland
My mom is very special — she has an awesome job. She works at Applebee’s as a waitress. They tip her very well, and she gets good money. I look like her. Her eyes are pretty when she’s happy.
My mom is nice to me and takes me places I want to go (sometimes). She always wants me to tell her things that are bothering me. My mom says she will never stop loving me. Mom says she will never stop supporting me. She makes sure we’re always OK and living. My mom is always (sometimes) wanting to hang out with me. My mom makes me giggle and laugh. She supports me day and night. I have a sister who is not like my mom. My mom is so funny you can’t keep your head on straight.
— Caitlin Hoppins
Mother: Sarah Hoppins
My mom is special to me. Her name is Renae. She makes me laugh and does a lot of things to make her special.
She spends time with me and loves me very much. She always tells me how proud of me she is, and how she is always there to support me. I do a lot of things to help her out, and she does a lot to help me out. She goes to work every day from 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and still comes home to cook and clean.
She takes me to all of my sports events no matter what time and where, and she takes me to the movies and shopping and other places. I like it when we spend quality time together. We will go shopping, out to eat and do a lot of other stuff, too. My mom makes sure that I have my homework done or anything else I need to get done. She’s always there for me when I’m sick. She’s not mean, but sometimes I get yelled at when I don’t do what I’m supposed to. And that’s why my mom is so special.
— Aimee Corum
Mother: Renae Brady
My mom is really special, because if it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be typing this. My mom is my main support, and in rough times I always have her to talk to. My mom supports my dream of being a punk rock star. My mom gives me a place to live and food to eat so I can survive. My mom works every day and goes through the exhaustion to give me and my brother a better life than what she had. My mom spends her life chauffeuring me and my brother around and gets no benefit except for our happiness. My mom lets me be me, and she never tries to change me into something I’m not. If I want funky clothes or if I want to stand out in a crowd, she tries to fit the needs of her children to be different. My mom is my best friend. We both have the same interests, like rock music, and being unique.
My mom isn’t a great cook, but she tries to fulfill my needs for a home-cooked meal by taking me to Perkins. The only thing my mom reminds me to do is clean my room, and she shows me how to cook my own meals. My mom is my idol. She has shown me not to give up no matter how many people pull me down and to just stay strong through the times I just want to fall. I love my mom.
— Joci Kannel
Mother: Janel Welck
My mom is special because she cleans our house until it is sparkling. She cooks as good as any professional chef. She also works two full-time jobs as a Unicor distribution specialist and mother of two monkeys, also known as children. She drives us to all of our sport practices and games.
My mom is special because she supports me in everything I do. Because of my mother, I have become interested in soccer, basketball, Girl Scouts and volleyball. She attends all of my games and cheers until her voice goes hoarse.
My mom is special because she never gives up and encourages me. She is generous and kind. She is loving and smart. She can cheer you up no matter how down you are. She is special just because she’s my mom.
— Christopher Tiner
Mother: Nanette Tiner
What makes my mom special?
My mom tries to make me happy. She takes me to go golfing. She drives me to my dad’s house. My mom reminds me to feed my lizard. She lets me go to my friends’ houses. My mom cooks my food and takes me to school. She lets me have a birthday party. She takes care of me when I’m sick or ill. My mom is always there for me when I’m sad. I could list a lot of nice things my mom does for me. Most of all she is nice to my friends. That is why my mom is special to me.
— Ronnie Myers
Mother: Julie Conrad
I think I have the best mother ever. Her name is Teresa A. Murphy. She listens to the same music that I do and drives a Ford Mustang. I think that is really cool. I can go to her with any problems that I might have. My mother is very kind and thinks of others at all times. I always come first, and when I need something, she always makes sure that I get it, if necessary. The things my mom does for me I sometimes take for granted. She wakes me up in the morning and has my breakfast ready for me on the table. She makes sure I have clean clothes to wear and sometimes helps me with my homework. We also get to do fun things in the summer. She takes me to Worlds of Fun, the movies, swimming, go carting. Sometimes we go fishing but she doesn’t like to take the fish off the hook, so if we catch a big fish we don’t know what we do with it. My mom will sometimes lay down in bed with me before I go to sleep and watch TV, and she just starts laughing at the smallest things. She loves to do yard work in the summer, and she always has a shovel in her hand. Last year she made her own fishpond in the front yard. I don’t think my dad was too happy about that, but the fish are pretty cool. That’s why my mom is the best mom in the world.
— Mark Murphy
Mother: Teresa Murphy
My mom is special because she puts the perfect amount of cheese on my lasagna. Not too much and not too little. She is special because she lets me invite a friend over this weekend. No matter how busy she is she keeps typing on her computer. She is tired so she just orders a large pepperoni pizza. My mom is special because the house just has to be perfect. Spotless. My mom is special because she took me shopping today. I had to use my own money, though. My mom is special because she called me down for dinner but dinner wasn’t ready. Just wanted to talk. My mom is special because she bought me some new socks. My old ones had holes in them. My mom is special because she took me to see “Disturbia” in the theater. Scary!! She laughed in the sight of my fear. I laughed in the sight of hers. My mom said I had to clean my room before I went to Courtney’s. I “forgot.” She didn’t yell; she just looked at me in that face that she makes when she is sort of mad but not really. I decided that I’d better clean my room! Why is my mom special? My mom is special just because.
— Tanna Ward
Mother: Donna Tanking
What my mom does for me is amazing! She takes me to my horse lessons, gymnastics and cheerleading practice. She does my laundry, and she puts them away in my room. She is wonderful. I cannot imagine not having a mom like her. She takes care of me when I am sick. She brings chicken noodle soup up to my room and Sprite on a tray. On holidays, she cooks us lunch. She cooks ham, broccoli and rice, salad, carrots, cauliflower and pickles. She takes me shopping like every week and spends over $50 on me every week — not just on clothes, either. I love her so much. She takes me to my scheduled birthday parties. I sometimes go to the Great Wolf Lodge, roller skating or cosmic bowling. She even lets me have sleepovers. I get to have like seven people over. She’s great. Just like I said, she drives me everywhere. She drives me, my brother and sister to school when we miss the bus. It is crazy — I don’t even realize how much she does for us. She is the most wonderful, fun-loving, caring, beautiful mom that anyone could have. She hopes and believes my dreams will come true, and so do I. I mean my mom takes care of me 24/7. That’s a lot of hours. But when I go to my first prom, I bet you she will start crying. Like she did with my sister. She cries because we are getting older and going our own ways. But I know she will still love me, and I will still love her.
— Kylee Wilson
Mother: Stacie Wilson
My mom is special to me because she is always there for me. My mom takes me places like to my friend’s house. My mom puts clothes n my back, feeds me, keeps a roof over my head and buys things for me. My mom works so hard for my sister and me and works hard to put food on our table. My mom is special because without her being there for me, I would not know what to do! My mom keeps everyone in control. My mom is also special to me because when something happens she is there when I need her. My mom is always by my side. My mom is the only one to take care of me when I’m sick, which I’m never sick usually. My mom is special to me in many ways. My mom does things for me like wash my clothes most of the time. She also helps me clean my room, and cleans the whole entire house. My mom is the only one who takes care of me besides my sister, and I thank her for everything she has done for me. I can list a lot of reasons why my mom is special, but there are way too many. Why is my mom special? My mom is special just because she is.
— Rachael Washington
Mother: Marcella Washington
Marci, my mom, is the best mom in the entire universe. She works 50 hours a week because she is a front-end manager. She goes to work at 6 a.m. and comes home at 5 to make dinner, and help me and my brothers clean the house. It is very difficult for my mom because she is a single mom with three kids. She works in Lansing at Westlake Ace Hardware, and we live in Tonganoxie. I would like to get a job to help with bills, but I am only 13 years old. My mom is so special to me and my brother because of all the things she does. She takes care of us when we are sick by putting us in bed, bringing some soup and hot tea. She also helps with homework and makes dinner. We do chores so the house is nice and clean for her and we feed all of the animals, 10 total — two dogs, four cats and four turtles, along with the three fish tanks. My brothers and I get whatever we want for holidays. One year my brother and I saved up yard work money and got my mom a silver and diamond cross necklace for her birthday. She loved it.
That is why my mom is so special to me. I am not doing this for a prize. I am writing this for her!
— Christian Benson
Mother: Marci Throrten
Do you know about the things that make your mom special? Well, I do. My mom is special because she will cook my favorite food like spaghetti, and she also takes care of me when I am sick. My mom’s name is Kristin. She loves me. When I want to go to a friend’s house, party or sleepover, she will sometimes take me there. When I need soccer socks on the day of a game, she will put them in the washer all by themselves so I will be able to wear them. My birthday cake is always made especially by her. Every day she takes me to school. On soccer game day when my dad has to meet us there to coach from work, she will take me to the field. For a get-together with my family on both sides (mom and dad), my mom will make food for it on holidays or a normal get-together. She always makes sure that I get what she thinks is best for me (I think). My mom is pretty, nice, hard-working and smart. So that is why I think that makes my mom special.
— Evan Greenwell
Mother: Kristin Greenwell
Is your mom special? Well, mine is. My mom does a lot of things for me. I always appreciate it, too. After all, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for her.
What makes your mom special? My mom’s special because she does a lot of things to help me out. Like cooking dinner every night. My favorite meal is spaghetti. Although I’m a picky eater, I appreciate her effort.
Does your mom do your laundry? Well, every day when I’m home, my mom does laundry, and when I wake up there is a stack of laundry on my bed. So I never have to worry about where my clothes are.
Does your mom take you shopping? Hey, so does my mom. Usually once a month we go to get a new pair of shoes. We sit there for 30 minutes trying on shoes.
What’s your best birthday party? Mine are always the best because my mom makes them so fun. The day before my party, my mom and I go to the store for the cake mix and frosting. But the best birthday was last year at Jaybowl.
Is your homework really hard? Well, so is mine. My mom always helps me with my home