Abdallah Shrine Rodeo to make debut in Leavenworth County
A new rodeo is coming to town.
Next week, the Abdallah Shrine Rodeo will make its debut in Tonganoxie.
The event, which had been conducted in past years at the Wyandotte County Fairgrounds, relocated because the former fairgrounds is being renovated as part of the 376-acre, multimillion-dollar Schlitterbahn Vacation Village waterpark resort.
The rodeo festivities will begin next week with the first day of the rodeo May 24. The rodeo also will be May 25 and 26, with rodeo competitions starting at 7:30 p.m. all three days.
In addition, a craft show is scheduled each day of the rodeo, as will a carnival beginning 6 p.m. May 24 and 25 and noon May 26. Ottaway Amusement Company will be providing the carnival entertainment.
Also on tap the final day of the rodeo will be a car show. Registration will be from 8 a.m. until noon.
To register, go to www.shrinerodeo.com.