Jarbalo Jottings
There will be a memorial service at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 20, at Eagles Cemetery.
A memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 27, at Fall Creek Cemetery.
David and Jane Turner attended a birthday party Saturday, May 5, for Sydney Turner at the home of her parents, David Jr. and Tracey Turner of rural McLouth.
Jarbalo United Methodist Women had their monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 9. Roll call was answered by nine members, and 40 care calls were reported.
The main topic of discussion was their upcoming tea, which has been titled Homespun Fun. It will be at 1:30 p.m. Friday, June 8. Area church ladies will be invited to attend. There will be a guest speaker.
Thamar Barnett had the program and read about the hymn “How Great. Thou Art” and how it came to be written. She also was hostess and served refreshments to Marilyn Oxley, Pastor Larry Grove, Bid Shepperd, Gladys Steffen, Frances Jeannin, Rosie Oelschlaeger and Faye Cleavinger.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 6, a week early to set up for the tea. Joan McLaughlin will be hostess and have the program.
The meeting closed with the group reciting the UMW Purpose. Recently, Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeger and her brother Eugene and Edna Sawyer of Horton, met and ate at the River House in Atchison. A visitor at Orville and Rosie’s home recently was Linda Blanton of Highland.
Some of Bid Sheppard’s visitors this week were Mark Aufdemberge, Leavenworth, Linda and Katie Aufdemberge, Basehor, Lenora Dickinson, Bob Aufdemberge of Auburn, Mary Lou Robinson and Thamar Barnett.