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45 students earn diplomas at McLouth

By Shawn Linenberger - | May 23, 2007

McLouth High School graduates surely felt like celebrities Saturday morning at Stan Braksick Sports Complex, with family playing the role of paparazzi.

Before diplomas were presented at the MHS commencement ceremony, family and friends of graduates congregated north of the seated seniors and snapped photo after photo of their purple-gowned graduates.

Graduating from MHS this year were 45 seniors, including class president Brett Lundmark, who gave the welcome address. Lundmark, who also was a co-valedictorian, thanked all who attended — family, friends and anyone who managed to roll out of bed on a Saturday and attend the 11 a.m. start.

Fellow senior Amanda Jantz read a poem she prepared about the Class of 2007, titled “Living It Is Believing It.”

Lundmark, as well as the class’ other valedictorian, Kylie Campbell, spoke to their fellow classmates and the audience.

Lundmark relayed advice given to Frodo in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, while Campbell surveyed her classmates as to whether they’ve been asked what they were going to with the rest of their lives.

“Really, it’s one of the hardest questions you’ll have to answer,” Campbell said.

In closing, she admitted she didn’t have any stupendous advice to give.

“My reason being I need as much advice as you do,” she said.

Senior choir members sang two songs Saturday, “Seasons of Love” by Jonathon Larson and “May It Be” by Hal Leonard.

Cliff Weeks, MHS counselor, recognized honor students and announced several scholarship recipients. Weeks also announced that this year’s senior class amassed more than $125,000 in scholarship and award money from colleges and organizations outside of local scholarships.

Superintendent Jean Rush presented the class for graduation. During her presentation, she said she woke up at 4 a.m. in search of a word to describe the graduating seniors.

“Survivors” best described this year’s class, she said, referring to the CBS reality TV show in which the “sole survivor” wins $1 million.

“The expectations for you are high because I want you all to be millionaires,” Rush quipped.

After board members presented diplomas, the MHS band performed the school’s alma mater, which left only one thing to do — celebrate the group’s accomplishment by spraying each other with Silly String.

The Class of 2007’s class colors were dark blue and silver, while the class flower was the white rose.

And the class motto was taken from Irish-born writer George Bernard Shaw: “You see things, and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were, and I say, ‘Why not?'”