Jarbalo Jottings
There will be a memorial service at 2 p.m. Sunday at Fall Creek Cemetery.
On Mothers Day, Pat Murry of Olathe took Tom and Jean Murry to his home, where he and Jeanne had a dinner for relatives from both Pat and Jeanne’s families.
David and Jane Turner had a Mother’s Day dinner for David and Tracey Turner and Sydney of rural McLouth.
Visitors at the home of Henry and Mildred Ehart on Mother’s Day were Sharon Plum of De Soto, Anna Plum of Lenexa and Jay and Melissa Ehart of Kansas City, Kan.
Those coming by to visit me on Mother’s Day were Tammy Mooberry, Madison Smith, Jeff and Julia Carter and Shianne, Kipp Barnett, Jess Barnett, Tim Davis, Connie Barnett, Eric Barnett, David and Jane Turner and Kathy Stimac.