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Springdale News

By Staff | May 23, 2007

Jo Ann Monroe played host to a birthday dinner on Thursday, May 10, for her mother, Opal Welch, who turned 88 years old. Those attending were Barbara Schmidt, Frances Seber, Kristi Vornholt, Mary Zule, Becky Spink, Amy Sloan, Jackie Schwinn, Brenda Schwinn, Angela Sparks and Ethan Monroe. A wonderful time was had by all.

The mothers were honored on Sunday, May 13, at Springdale Church with gifts made by the children’s Sunday school classes and also garden butterflies.

Ray and Jeanette Cole, Luke and Emily had a cookout on Sunday, May 13. Evelyn Schwinn was a guest, as was Pastor Fergerson.

Dave and Julie Zule entertained at 4 p.m. at their home on Sunday, May 13, with a buffet luncheon for the eighth birthday of their son, Derek. Present were his sisters, Lauren and Courtney, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

Danny and Linda Schwinn came to Evelyn Schwinn’s home on Saturday, May 12, and planted flowers for her Mother’s Day gift.

Jeff, Jenna and Isabella Gillaspie took Peggy, Edward and Drew Gillaspie to Sunday dinner for Mother’s Day at the Legends.

L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman hosted a Mother’s Day dinner Sunday, May 13, at their home for their children, Steve Chrisman, Joyce and Kenny Webb, Daryl and Valerie Lafferty, Brett and Whitney.

L.J. and Gertrude Chrisman attended the funeral of a very dear friend of the family on Friday, May 18, in Bonner Springs.

Oris and Jan Nelson had as guests in the first part of May, Curt and Jan Bork from Illinois. They all went to White Cloud and attended the flea market.

Wayne and Anabel Knapp attended the alumni banquet Saturday evening, May 12, at McLouth High School. They had a lovely potluck meal, and 150 people were in attendance.

On Mother’s Day, Wayne and Anabel Knapp, attended church at McLouth and traveled to Topeka to meet their daughter, Debbie Lindle, as well as Ryan, Shannon and Kirk Knapp at Coyote Canyon and had a lovely dinner. Lots of visiting was done.