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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | May 30, 2007

10 years ago: April 30, 1997

Births: Susan and Richard Byrne, Overland Park, proudly announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Marie, born April 22, 1997; Doug and Heather Shoemaker are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Harlan Rains Shoemaker, born April 19, 1997.

Death: Phil M. Schuetz, 58, passed away April 26, 1997, at his home in Bonner Springs.

Lawrence B. and Frances I. Moore announce their 50th wedding anniversary on May 4, 1997. They were married at the historic Friends Church in Tonganoxie in 1947. Their immediate family will be with them to honor the occasion.

Bob and Shirley Kasper attended Shirley’s 50th year class reunion of the Kansas State University Alumni Association, held on Thursday and Friday in Manhattan. Five of the 1947 grads, including Shirley, who lived at Clovia House, a cooperative living group of former 4-H members, shared in this reunion.

The VFW Park grass has been mowed; looks very nice. Call Bo Himpel and say thanks. He and several other employees were the mowers.

Alberta and Will Irwin are back home after a few days trip down to Grove, Okla., where they visited their former neighbors, Will and Ida Herrington, who moved there some time ago.

25 years ago: April 28, 1982

Work has started in the last few days on the restoration of the Old Union Pacific Depot building. Fred Scheller, who is in charge of the remodeling project, has torn out most of the old piers, which the building rests on, jacked up the building and placed new piers on concrete foundations, which will keep the building from settling anymore. Scheller has been assisted by Frank Crittenden, Don Wilson, and Larry Meadows.

Death: Mrs. Florence H. Martinez, 83, Leavenworth, passed away April 22, 1982.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chapman have recently returned from a trip to the French Riviera. They were among 200 associates of CertainTeed Corporation that were given a one-week trip to France for outstanding sales of their products. The Chapman’s son, Rick Chapman, of Insul-All Corporation, gave his parents his earned trip.

Jarbalo Jottings: The Barnett family had a wiener roast Saturday regardless of the lousy weather. They also celebrated the birthday of Marci Barnett, which will be April 28, with cake and ice cream.

Mr. and Mrs. William Denholm visited Mr. and Mrs. William Denholm Jr., in Manhattan last Thursday and Friday and attended the 1982 reunion of the K-State Alumni Association.

50 years ago: May 16, 1957

Death: Frank W. Wishon, 73, Linwood, died May 8, 1957, at his home. He was a retired railroad employee and had been a resident of Linwood for 32 years.

Mrs. Verne Barber, accompanied by her daughter, Wilma, enjoyed her first airplane ride on Mother’s Day.

Scholastic honors at the Tonganoxie Rural High School were evenly divided between boys and girls. Perry Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walters of Tonganoxie, was valedictorian, and Marilyn Holmberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holmberg of Route 3, was named salutatorian. Four other students were close enough that the decision, based on a four-year average of grade points, could not be reached until the final six week grades were in.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lynch of Topeka, announce the birth of a daughter, May 8, 1957. They have given her the name Teresa Rae. Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad, Tonganoxie, are the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lynch, Topeka, are the paternal grandparents.

This new Sinclair Station is located on the Fourth Street and U.S. Highway 24-40 corner where the old Green Phillips 66 Station used to be. Jack Himpel is the operator. Saturday is the official opening day.

75 years ago: April 21, 1932

In Jean McKone’s sale ad in this issue, we come on an interesting item, an old-fashioned spring wagon. We’ll bet that’ll sell, for you see more of them than a few years ago. Gosh, we can remember as a boy, traversing five miles of distance in one of those things, up and down hill. It seemed a long way to town then. Now it takes about five minutes in a fast car. (Walt Neibarger was editor of the paper in 1931 and wrote this).

Mr. and Mrs. Joe McEnulty announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 18.

The tennis court at the Franklin park has been put in shape, and local tennis enthusiasts have been enjoying the game there for the past week.

Mrs. Roscoe Bedell had the misfortune to break a needle off in her wrist, Wednesday morning.

Stanwood: Mr. and Mrs. Longsine have put a new roof on part of their house.

Verba Keesler brought a sample of her mother’s birthday cake to school, which she had baked.

An Ellsworth first-grader told his mother that he didn’t dare be absent from school, even if he was ill, as he would be dropped into the furnace. His mother could not get him to change his story so she finally consulted the teacher and they finally decided that the boy got that interpretation from the teacher’s remark sometime before that if any child was absent three days he would be dropped from the register.

100 years ago: May 2, 1907

The Mirror has rounded out a quarter of a century of existence. With this issue begins the 26th year of its publication.

Another son was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Peters, Tuesday afternoon.

A calico ball and party was given by the Misses Still at their home on the Idlewild farm last Friday evening. A large crowd of young people from town went out and the dancing took place in the big barn. Refreshments were served during the evening.

Ice and snow again Monday night. Someone has raked up old weather reports and says the year 1816 was like this, and that every month had frost.

There will be an ice cream social at Dafer church, Friday night, May 3, to which all are invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry were in Leavenworth over Sunday. The former reports that his brother-in-law H. C. Harlow is very low with blood poisoning.

The local high school boys went to Lansing, Saturday, and in a game of ball with the Lansing high school team on the Soldiers Home ground, were victorious over the latter by a score of 15 to 12.