Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: Oct. 15, 1997
Opportunities to see fine art free of charge are getting fewer and farther between. Until the end of October, though, the Basehor Public Library is holding an exhibition worth catching even if you’re not book minded. Watercolors, 18 of them, and two examples of the charcoal work of prominent local artist and teacher Mary Waterman are currently on display there.
Harold Denholm, past commander of local VFW Post 9271, holds a sample license plate for Kansas Military Veterans. He said the plate is available as of Jan. 1 at the County Treasurer’s Office with proof of discharge from military service.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mitchell, Leavenworth, will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary; Shirley Payne and John Mitchell were married in the Church of Christ, Truman, Minn., on Oct. 25, 1947. A reception in their honor will be Oct. 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. at First Christian Church in Leavenworth.
Mr. R. G. Barnhardt, 93, had a surprise when going through some old things. He found and brought to The Mirror an invitation that belonged to his family and in all probability was used on Dec. 24, 1889. (The invitation was to a Christmas ball, given by the Knights of Phythias, Tonganoxie Lodge No. 125.)
25 years ago: Oct. 13, 1982
Chester Pickens and his crew have been busy sandblasting the old paint off of the Depot in preparation for a new paint job. The Chamber of Commerce hopes to make the building weather-proofed before winter.
Deaths: Roy Serviss, 89, died Oct. 10, 1982, in a nursing home at DeSoto where he lived; Services for Max L. Lingenfelser, RR 4, former Leavenworth County commissioner, were Oct. 12; William C. (Jake) Johnson, 80, of Independence, died Oct. 6; Twila A. Gryder, 80, Law-rence, died Oct. 4.
Linwood News: Mrs. Della Coatney, 70, Linwood, died Friday.
Births: Tom and Andrea Putthoff announce the birth of their son, Michael Richard, born on Sept. 29, 1982: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fine became the parents of a baby girl born Oct. 7, 1982. The baby was named Jennie Faye; Wayne and Debbie Kesinger of Route 3, Lawrence, announce the birth of their son, Ryan Matthew on Oct. 8, 1982.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nelson just returned from a family reunion at Bryan, Texas, at the home of his sister, where the brothers and sisters gathered. All five were there, and the next reunion will be in Tonga-noxie in a couple of years.
50 years ago: Oct. 31, 1957
Deaths: Private funeral services for Judith Louise Shook, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shook, Jasper, Ind., who died Oct. 29, at the age of 7 weeks, will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Quisenberry Chapel in Tonganoxie; Ted L. Sexton, undertaker and a former mayor of Leavenworth, died last Saturday at the age of 53; William P. Lambertson, a congressman from Kansas from 1928 to 1944, died Saturday at the age of 77. Mr. Lambertson lived in Fairview.
Jarbalo: Mr. and Mrs. Rex Williams of Leavenworth announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 25, 1957. .
Linwood: Wallace Lowry was honored with a birthday party at his home Friday evening. Guests were children in second grade.
Reno: Prairie Chicken Days were Oct. 26 and 27. Chicken hunters from the Reno land were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grinter, who searched for them in the haylands near Burlington, where Mrs. Grinter has relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James Engle and family have moved into the house built by Jack Cronemeyer on 8th Street.
75 years ago: Oct. 6, 1932
Mrs. Myrtle Gress, wife of Robert Gress, four miles northeast of Tonganoxie, died Sunday afternoon in Bethany Hospital. She has been taken to Bethany Sunday morning, due to a kerosene explosion while kindling a fire in the kitchen range. (Mrs. Gress was 42 years of age.)
The Jarbalo community will be host to all of Leavenworth County on Saturday, Oct. 22, at the big county-wide corn husking contest, which will be staged in the Harold Dougherty field, one-half mile east of Jarbalo. In addition to the husking contest, the big feature of the day will be the crowning of the Queen of Corn.
100 years ago: Oct. 17, 1907
James Hurd, 80, died at his home in Lawrence of cancer.
Benjamin Woods and son William Woods, have just finished building a very nice new 14 x 26 barn. This adds much to the improvement of their place.
It costs $19 to provide school facilities for one pupil for one year, according to figures compiled by County Superintendent J. B. Kelsey in his report for the year, which closed June 30, 1907. This $19 covers all the expenses incurred in keeping up the schools, teacher’s pay and incidentals of all kinds. The total number of children of school age in the county, is 12,051. $53.53 was the average pay of male teachers last year and there were 29 of them employed. The average pay of the female teachers was almost as high, being $50.28.