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Quilt helps raise money for Conrad

By Staff Report - | Oct 24, 2007

The raffling off of a homemade quilt has raised nearly $2,000 for a Tonganoxie woman.

The quilt was raffled to benefit Donna Conrad, to help with her medical costs. Donna recently had brain surgery for Arnold-Chiari Malformation.

Jessie Dobbins of Tonganoxie, Donna’s grandmother, spent several hours creating a quilt top.

A former resident of Tonganoxie, Shirley (Hummelgaard) Schuler, donated her quilting talents to quilt the oversized queen quilt.

Paula Hunsaker, Donna’s mother, and several of her family members sold chances for the quilt, $1 per chance or six chances for $5, with a total of $1,889 being sold.

The drawing was Oct. 13 at the Tonganoxie Park Gazebo. Wesley Clarkson, Donna’s 4-year-old son, drew the name. John Osborn from Elwood won the quilt.

Donna’s immediate and extended family also had a benefit garage sale Aug. 24 and 25 at the Leavenworth County Fairgrounds, which brought in $1,282.

A total of $3,171 from the quilt and sale was collected.

The family expressed thanks to everyone who has contributed in purchasing items, tickets for the quilt and contributions.