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To the editor: By the people or by the ‘king’?

By Staff | Sep 12, 2007

How many people read the two articles in the July 26 Leavenworth Times, “Relationship under scrutiny,” and “Oroke discloses e-mail messages”?

I have had the chance to talk to many people who work for us in county positions, and they knew this was going on before it hit the newspaper, but county employees can’t talk openly.

It is time to have a recall on a certain person and dismiss a certain county employee.

This is against all ethics and government guidelines.

I am not against the turnpike interchange and county administrator, if that is what the majority of the people or voters want. They should be voted on, not put down your “throat” by a “king” who wants to make more time for “relationships during working hours” and “money interests” (conflicts of interest).

The government needs to be run by the people. The Bible also states to that effect; read for yourself, if you want.

I know more about these articles above than most people.

I am ready for a recall if people will step forward and help!

How come we have never seen anything in The Tonganoxie Mirror or Lawrence Journal-World about July 26 or about that time, or more in the Leavenworth Times?

Marvin L. Torneden
