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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | Sep 19, 2007

10 years ago: Aug. 20, 1997

Deaths: Charlotte L. “Shorty” Moore, 76, Bonner Springs, died Aug. 13; Juanita “Peggy” R. Blackwell, 87, Tonganoxie, died Aug. 12; Charles Gordon Scott, 77, Tonganoxie, died Aug. 14; Loran A. Wilkes, 76, Mountain Home, Ark., died July 28.

Births: Chris and Angela Hoffhines announce the birth of their daughter, Emily Katelynn, born Aug. 13; Mark and Teresa Denison announce the birth of a son, Spencer Brant Houston Denison, on Aug. 18.

Pam Slawson and Tom Geyer of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, announce the adoption of a son, Ryko Bill Geyer, on May 20. Ryko was born on July 10, 1988, in Bulgaria.

Albert and Trula Smith will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 31 at the Heartland Community Church of the Nazarene in Tonganoxie.

Jeffrey Bowen of Tonganoxie has been selected to receive an SBC Foundation Scholarship for the 1997-98 academic year. A 1997 graduate of McLouth High School, Bowen plans to attend Kansas State University and major in electrical engineering. He is the son of George and Cathy Bowen of Tonganoxie.

25 years ago: Aug. 18, 1982

George McBroom is all smiles as he proudly displays his blue ribbon and his prize gladiolus at the Flower Show.

Deaths: Benton P. Whitacre, 69, Meriden, passed away Aug. 16; Garland “Mac” McLaughlin, North Kansas City, Mo., passed away Aug. 16; Kit C. Gryder, 79, Lawrence, died Saturday.

Jarbalo Jottings: The Springdale Friends Church will celebrate their 125th anniversary Sept. 4 and 5, and an invitation has been extended to all to attend and worship with them.

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fevurly, Halstead, announce the arrival of a son, Richard Lynn Jr., born Aug. 7.

Mr. Al Herman was in Piqua, this weekend to attend the centennial celebration of his hometown. This was a three-day event and included much activity, talent shows, parades and a big time for Piqua’s 100th year.

Artistic ability really paid off for Bryan Moore, of Tonganoxie, when his banner was selected as one of the ten best displayed at Summerjam 2. Radio Station KY-102 sponsored the banner contest, paying $102 to each of the top ten entries. Over 300 banners were displayed at Summerjam 2, a rock concert held at Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday, featuring five groups; REO, Ted Nugent, Johnny Cougar, Rainbow and 707.

50 years ago: Sept. 5, 1957

Deaths: Mrs. Laura Myers, 81, Leavenworth, died at the family residence Friday; John William Cline, Tonganoxie, passed away Sept. 5, at the age of 82 years.

The golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Uhlrich of near McLouth, was at the home of their son, Bernard and family, near Tonganoxie, on Aug. 25.

Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Bundy announce the birth of a son, Daniel Duane, born Aug. 11.

A large yellow school bus brought the Reno children to the schoolhouse Tuesday morning to begin another year of learning the American way of life. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Skeet are the bus drivers. Mrs. William Puckett again has charge of the four upper grades with an enrollment of 18. Mrs. William McGee teaches the primary children; in her room are 23 children. These children are lucky in having a playground very much larger than many schools with many more enrolled.

Hap, out at Hap’s Service, tells us that you can take the clown from the circus but you can’t take the circus from the clown — anyway, he was all decked out in a clown suit at the fair and giving away balloons and bubble gum from his all red service truck in the parade. Maybe the fact he used to be a circus clown had something to do with it.

75 years ago: Aug. 11, 1932

Charles W. Arnett, aged 75 years, passed away early last Saturday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. M. Junkins, north of Tonganoxie. He had been ill only a very short time and death came as a shock to the family.

Cecil Smith is ill at his home of typhoid fever, but is getting along very nicely at this time.

FOR SALE: Tomatoes, 35c per bushel at Hummelgaards, 3 miles southeast of town.

Elmwood: Billy Denholm, Marjory and Thelma Gallagher, Mildred and Nellie Lee attended a birthday surprise party given in honor of Paul Doege, Saturday afternoon.

Reno: Mr. Hutton’s people went to Ottawa on Tuesday.

Reno: Lacy Phenicie is traveling with an orchestra in Iowa with a show sponsored by the merchants in each town. This circuit takes in six towns.

Stringtown: Orville Self is putting up prairie hay on the Glenn place.

Hawk Hollow: Miss Ruth Pettingill who will teach our school this year, was in this vicinity Wednesday looking for a boarding place. She will stay at Thomas Holton’s.

Pleasant Valley: John Wickey made his usual weekly trip to Kansas City, Friday.

100 years ago: Aug. 22, 1907

H. E. Woodcock, one of the oldest of old settlers, is taking in the picnic this week. (The fifth annual Old Settlers Picnic.)

William and Jacob Freienmuth received word last week of the death of their only brother, Edward, who was a druggist in Seguin, Texas. The brother died at the age of 60 years.

Frank Brown has purchased the Northwestern water tank at Stranger and Fred Needham the pump house. They have been tearing down the structures the past week.

Mrs. M.V. Greever and daughter Helen, of Emporia, are visiting among their old acquaintances here this week.

Louis Wulfekuhler came out from Leavenworth Monday morning, to make plans to remodel the Metz store building, which he has owned for some time. The building is to be thoroughly overhauled to make a hotel out of it for Mrs. Kate Angell. The upstairs which was used for years as a Masonic hall, will be divided into six rooms, and the downstairs will be divided into five rooms. An addition will be made to the rear of the building for a kitchen.