Letters to the editor: Unanswered questions
To the editor:
Questions that need answers:
What actually transpired between Dr. Erickson and Mr. Brun? What topic was so hot that it ended in a 911 call? If the whole thing was “blown out of proportion,” why did the school district run scared and pay Mr. Brun $57,000 in salary and benefits for a broken contract? In just what way is the school district now “moving forward in a positive way” and how can the school board president possibly be “satisfied” with how it all turned out? Are you?
Jodi Bowersox
Letters to the editor: Suggested action
To the editor:
Regarding the Sept. 12 story “District buys out assistant’s contract,” I have a suggestion. Mr Brun stated in the article that “he applied for the job in Tonganoxie because he liked working with youths.”
I challenge Mr. Brun to honor his word and donate the $50,000 dollars to the youth of Tonganoxie and the teachers. Give the money to the people you claim to want to help. Donate it to the general fund or create a scholarship fund.
Keeping the money sends the wrong message to the youth you stated you wanted to work with. It is really their money, from the taxpayers to the district for the kids.
Do the right thing.
Dan Hopkins
Letters to the editor: Community support lauded
To the editor:
I am writing to thank the community for its outstanding support of Tonganoxie High School’s Chieftain Singers.
For two different weekends, members of the choir and their parents have washed cars, trucks, and even ambulances to raise money to represent THS at a choir festival in Los Angeles next March.
Your generous donations are very much appreciated.
None of our efforts would have been possible without the kind support of Sutton-Kolman Automotive for the use of their power washer and fuel and the First State Bank for providing a location, water and advertising.
Thanks, Tonganoxie!
Tom Gifford