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Remember When: A Community Review

By Billie Aye - | Sep 26, 2007

10 years ago: Aug. 27, 1997

Deaths: Virgil L. Haas, age 92, of Mesa, Ariz., formerly of Manhattan, died Aug. 23; Leo A. Uhlrich, 83, of Leavenworth, died Aug. 20; Richard Clinton Warden, 86, Basehor, died Aug. 24; Robert D. “Bob” Weyer, 68, Seneca, died Aug. 21.

Birth: Jason and Tonya Bailey announce the birth of a daughter, Alyssa Marie Bailey, born Aug. 10.

Springdale Scene: Danny and Linda Schwinn were honored Aug. 17 for their 25th wedding anniversary, which was Aug. 20. A picnic was held at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, David and Julie Zule.

Last year’s Kansas State Fiddling and Picking Championships were held on a blazing hot August weekend, always the third Sunday of the month. The audience was chasing the shade and shifted more than the contestants trooping on and off stage. This year’s contest was cooler and onlookers could pretty much sit back and enjoy the extremely talented field. (Caption under a picture read: Joel Conrad backs up dad, Jeff, in the flatpicking contest.)

25 years ago: Aug. 25, 1982

Twenty-two members and guests met at the library Aug. 17 for a special Friends meeting honoring library aide Tim Tice and librarian Winnie Turner. The Friends presented a certificate of appreciation and a book to Tim. The certificate was beautifully hand-lettered by Mary Wallace. Winnie Turner was given a silk flower arrangement in a milk-glass basket.

Donna Wiley, Leavenworth County, received the 1982 Spirit of 4-H Award at 4-H Booster night at the Leavenworth County Fair. Wiley, one of 250 volunteer 4-H leaders in the county, has supervised the food stand operation at the fair for 11 years. She serves as community leader of the Reno Bobwhites 4-H Club, which was organized in her home in 1964.

Deaths: James Robert Peters, 47, of Tonganoxie, died Aug. 23; Myron D. Keeslar, 73, died Aug. 22.

The children and grandchildren are hosting an open house for Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary for their friends and neighbors Sept. 5, from 2 to 4 o’clock at Taylor’s Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Higginbotham will hold open house in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 5, at Maple Vista Community Center, Paola.

Births: Dennis and Debby Wedel of Lawrence announce the birth of their third son, Kyle William, on Aug. 6; Thomas and Patricia Anton of Burlingame announce the birth of a son, Eric Joseph, on Sept. 20.

George McBroom received a purple ribbon on his gladiola exhibit at the fair last week. It was a sweepstake ribbon in that category instead of the blue ribbon mentioned in The Mirror last week. He also received a blue as well as a purple. Sorry, George!

50 years ago: Sept. 12, 1957

Deaths: Raymond D. Farmer, age 47, of Overbrook, died Sept. 11, at Ottawa; Bartholomew P. Foley, 83, a retired farmer, died Sept. 9, at his home in Leavenworth; Edwin L. Sheehan, 55, Leavenworth, died Sept. 5, 1957.

Married For 64 Years: An open house will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Laming in Tonganoxie, on Sept. 15, between the hours of three and five o’clock, in honor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laming, who were married 64 years ago on Sept. 12, in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. J. C. Laming has been a part of the history of Tonganoxie since coming to the United States at the age of 11 from Lelant, Cornwall, England.

Pleasant Valley: Mrs. Ernest Bowman celebrated her 81st birthday by taking her first ride in an airplane. Her son-in-law, Mr. Ed Towell, was the pilot.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brune announce the birth of a son, born Sept. 7; Dr. and Mrs. William Howland announce the birth of a son, Thomas Paul, Sept. 11, in Rochester, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Currant of Lawrence, announce the birth of a son, David Allen, Sept. 4.

Reno: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Foster, former Reno residents, now of Topeka, announce the birth of a daughter, Janis Kay, born Saturday evening.

75 years ago: Aug. 18, 1932

Earl Martin of Kansas City has purchased the Royal Theater here and will open the show Friday, Aug. 26.

A number of local boys left Sunday for National Guard camp at Camp Whiteside, Fort Riley, Kan. Those from here were: Frank Sharp, Walter Wiley, A. Z. Dressler, George Cooke, Morris Lloyd and Elmer Jackson.

Sarcoxie: Funeral services were Tuesday morning for Mrs. W. E. Grass, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Morgan Sedgwick.

The following Boy Scouts received swimming honors last Friday at the Y.M.C.A. pool in Fort Leavenworth: Edward Hoskins, Eugene Hunt, Bennie Hughes, Donald Davis and Bertriam Voorhees.

Elmer Kramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kramer, fell from a ladder at the home of his uncle, Enos Thomas, where he was repairing the waterspouts, and cut his arm just below the elbow. It required 12 stitches to close the wound.

100 years ago: Aug. 29, 1907

The story-and-a-half barn of Thos. Chandler was destroyed by fire at midnight Saturday night, and occasioned a loss of $400 to the owner without any insurance. How the fire originated is a mystery. Mr. Chandler does not think it was spontaneous combustion.

Oscar Davis received a popcorn popper and peanut roaster this week.

Fred Needham entertained a limited number of his friends with a hayrack ride, Tuesday evening, and as usual the crowd was a merry one. The party went to Reno, where they were pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allan, and were served with refreshments of pineapple ice and cake.

Rolland, better known as “Bud,” Dreisbach died unexpectedly shortly after noon last Thursday. He had been working on the Nine-Mile farm and he had been brought home sick with appendicitis. No attempt was made to operate on him, as the disease had advanced too far. He was called away at the age of 13.

John M. Hoey unexpectedly died Tuesday at the Soldiers Home Hospital, between 12 and 2 o’clock. John Hoey was 70 years old early in February.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baker died Saturday morning, Aug. 24, and the funeral was held Sunday.