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Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room

By Eleanor Mckee - | Apr 12, 2011

Having recently recovered from a severe case of shingles, which are brought on by stress, I would like to share with you some words written by an old friend of mine, Helene Morrow.

“I was delighted to discover recently that authorities on stress have advanced the theory that a certain amount of worry and anxiety is good for us. This was a great relief to me as I am a born worrier and have been known to worry about not worrying. This new idea takes the responsibility off my shoulders.”

According to this study there is a steady flow of what is termed an anxiety secretion that is produced continuously in the system. Apparently, this secretion is not rational, nor is it selective. It is just present in the body to be used by the person facing difficulties. The writer states that if anyone is so fortunate as to be devoid of causes for anxiety, he will find causes.

“Now with this, I do agree. I have noticed that when I get the really big problems worried down to a nub and should have peace of mind, I just get busy on all the little ones,” Morrow said.

She goes on to say more, but this parallels my way of thinking so much I just had to share it with you. I just can’t help but worry with all the problems in my and my family’s lives. The shingles were brought on by all the stress, and I am so thankful to be up and running again. I am trying to retrain myself to “just let it go — there is nothing you can do about it,” to quote my daughter, Cathy. She herself has a lot of stress right now with her son Jason leaving for his fourth tour in Iraq/Afghanistan. All of my crew have their own worries right now, and I, being Mom, worry about all of them. So all of you, “just let it go” and leave the worrying to God — He will take care of us all. God Bless.

P.S. Now I learn there is a vaccine for shingles, so you might want to check that out — this was certainly not fun.

Aunt Norie, P.O. Box 265, Tonganoxie, 66086; auntnorie@att.net