Jarbalo Jottings
Jarbalo United Methodist Women met Wednesday, April 11, at the church. The meeting opened with prayer by president Marilyn Oxley. Six members answered roll call and reported 48 care calls. The meeting was mostly devoted to plans for the spring tea, which will be June 15.
For the program Thamar Barnett read the history of two hymns, “In the Garden,” and “Amazing Grace.” Then, Rosie Oelschlaeger played the piano and the group sang the songs.
The next meeting will be May 9 with Rosie, the program leader and hostess.
Thamar Barnett served refreshments to Marilyn Oxley, Christine Black, Frances Jeannin, Rosie Oelschlaeger, Faye Cleavinger and guest Orville Oelschlaeger.
David and Jane Turner went to Centropolis Saturday for a meeting of the Santa Fe Trail Leather Artists Guild.
Easter time visitors of Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeger were John and Janice Oelschlaeger, Erin and Amy of Lawrence and Gary and Linda Blanton of Highland.
Family members took Frances Jeannin to Kelly’s at Basehor Sunday to celebrate her 91st birthday.
Jarbalo United Methodist women would like to thank everyone who bought pies from them. Orders can still be given to Marilyn Oxley at (913) 369-3289.
Jarbalo United Methodist Church will have its rummage and bake sale Friday, April 20, from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. and Saturday, April 21, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Work day at the Fall Creek Cemetery will be April 21, starting at 9 a.m.