Springdale News
On the evening of Dec. 22, the Danny Schwinn family went to the home of Harold and Anna Schermbeck for their Christmas. There were relatives from Nebraska present.
On Sunday, Dec. 23, members and friends of Springdale Friends Church gathered for a time of cookies and fellowship, followed by the Christmas program by the youth. The program was directed by Dyla Lawrence. Special music followed the message from Pastor Rob Santel.
On Christmas Day, the Evelyn Schwinn family went to the home of Mike and Kristie Clark for their Christmas dinner. The young ones had a gift exchange. It was a great time for all.
Jennifer and David Roggenkamp and two little boys of St. Marys were at the Johnny Schwinn home for the Christmas holiday.
Airman First Class Justin B. Schwinn of Langley (Va.) Air Force Base flew home on Sunday, Dec. 23, to spend Christmas with his parents, Brian and Linda K. Schwinn, and other family members. He will leave on Jan. 3.
The Springdale Community wants to extend sympathy to the Powell family for the passing away of Tom on Wednesday, Dec. 26.
Gertrude Chrisman had her family home on Sunday, Dec. 2.
Danny Haley, son of Lindsay and Ralph Haley, is home for the Christmas holiday. He is teaching school in St. Louis. He will return back to school on Jan. 7.
Jan and Oris Nelson had family home from several different states. Oris had open heart surgery on Monday, Dec. 17, and is in a Tonganoxie nursing home for several weeks for therapy.
Kirk and Austin Knapp of Meriden came on Monday, Dec. 24, and celebrated Christmas with Wayne and Anabel Knapp. They returned home on Wednesday, Dec. 26.