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Leavenworth County Commission agenda: Week of Feb. 13

By Staff | Feb 10, 2012

A World War I doughboy statue stands outside the Leavenworth County Courthouse.

The Leavenworth County Commission meets regularly at 9 a.m. each Monday and Thursday at the Leavenworth County Courthouse, 300 Walnut St. in Leavenworth.

Agenda for the week of Feb. 13:

Monday, Feb. 13

9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report

  • Approval of minutes of Feb. 9
  • Announcement of 2012 official newspaper

9:15 a.m.: Diane Collins, human resources — tabled from Jan. 26 meeting

  • Request for a part-time staff employee and relocation of department

9:30 a.m.: Sheriff department’s vehicle purchase

9:45 a.m.: Monthly public works report

Thursday, Feb. 16

9 a.m.: Public comment/administrative business/administrator’s report

  • Approval of minutes of Feb. 13
  • Approval of agenda for week of Feb. 20

9:15 a.m.: Diane Collins, human resources — SRS work experience program

9:45 a.m.: Five Trails Marathon fund request

10 a.m.: Executive session to discuss potential land acquisition

11:30 a.m.: Leavenworth County Development Corporation board meeting at Lansing Community Center

4:30 p.m.: Commissioners Clyde Graeber and Bob Holland will attend the Alliance Against Family Violence ribbon cutting at 522 Kickapoo in Leavenworth

Friday, Feb. 17

1:30 p.m.: Leavenworth County animal control meeting, county commission conference room