Tonganoxie City Council agenda for Sept. 10

Estuardo Garcia
City of Tonganoxie
Regular meeting of the city council
Sept. 10, 2012
7 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Minutes –
- Regular Meeting dated August 27, 2012
b) Consider Approval of Bills – Approve Pay Ordinance A-1690
c) Consider expenditure to Asphalt Sales for services performed on the Delaware Street Project in the amount of $18370.69.
d) Consider expenditure to BG Consultants for services performed on Chieftain Trail staking and easement descriptions in the amount of $6999.50
e) Consider expenditure to BRR Architecture for on call planning services in the amount of $2415.00.
f) Consider expenditure to City of Basehor for City Inspector Mark Lee, salary and mileage, in the amount of $2082.66
g) Consider expenditure to First State Bank & Trust for payment of Fire Department Bunker Gear Loan in the amount of $4871.43.
h) Consider expenditure to Honey Creek Disposal Service for payment of sanitation in the amount of $22659.25.
i) Consider expenditure to Springstead Inc. for services performed on the 2013 budget in the amount of $2163.02.
j) Consider expenditure to Westar Energy for payment of Utility bills and Street lights in the amount of $12197.79.
III. Open Agenda
“Members of the public are welcome to use this time to comment about any matter relating to City business. The comments that are discussed under Open Agenda may or may not be acted upon by the Council during this meeting. Please wait to be recognized by the Mayor, then state your name and address and all comments are to be directed to the chair.”
IV. Old Business
a) Update on PWWSD#6 review of submitted termination language in order to enter an operating agreement with Public Wholesale Water Supply District #6 and #9 and authorizing additional expenditure of $3,300 from the Water Purchasing Account of the Water Operating Fund
b) Chieftain Trail Update
c) Fireworks Ordinances – Discussion of ordinance amendment allowing City to issue emergency ban on sale and/or discharge of fireworks in City limits
V. New Business
a) Update on activity by the Retail Commercial Development Committee
b) City Administrator Agenda
1) Executive session to discussion confidential or trade secret information as it relates to property acquisition.
2) Update on Traffic concerns on Northstar Court from Mr. Ted Pantoja
3) Update on Patrol Vehicle Parking from complaint by Mr. James Synder 4) Executive Session to discuss potential litigation
c) City Attorney Agenda
1) Request to enter into a water supply agreement with Water District #9
k) Mayor Agenda
1) Appointment to Tonganoxie Library Board – Patricia Duvall
e) Council President Agenda
f) City Council Agenda
1) Update on old Police Department Building – Dennis Bixby
VI. Adjourn
VII. Information and Communications (No Action Required)
a) Reception for Assistant City Administrator Jennifer Jones-Lacy, September 11, 2012 at Vintage Park Senior Living Center, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
b) Market Graphics Research Group Comparison of Cities Reports