Jarbalo Jottings
The annual meeting of the Fall Creek Cemetery Corporation will be 1 p.m. Saturday, March 9, at the Alexandria Township Fire Station in Springdale.
The Jaunty Jarbalonians Red Hat group attended the winter fun day Feb. 9 at High Prairie Church. They judged the salads that were entered in a contest. They had a great time doing the judging. Those participating were Lynn Paul, Linda Barry, Jane Turner and Thamar Barnett. Betty Clark is a member of the church, so she didn’t judge salads.
Gary and Linda Blanton of Highland visited Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeger and brought them food from KFC. Gary and Ann Oelschlaeger, Aidan and Abby visited Orville and Rosie Oelschlaeager on Friday. They are from Overland Park.
Jarbalo United Methodist Church met Wednesday, Feb. 13, at the church. Marilyn Oxley opened the meeting with a prayer. Six members answered roll call and reported 44 care calls. Plans were made for the upcoming pancake supper, which will be 5-7 p.m. Saturday, March 16. Cost is by donation.
Oxley had the program and read two articles, the “White Lie Cake” and “The Two Angels.” The meeting adjourned with the group repeating the United Methodist Women Purpose. Oxley served refreshments to Elaine Onasch, Frances Jeannin, Rosie Oelschlaeger, Faye Cleavinger and Thamar Barnett.
David and Jane Turner went to the Metro Lawn and Garden Show on Feb. 8 at the American Royal building.