Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: June 4, 2003
Treasure hunt: Students, KSU professors search Leavenworth County archaeological site for artifacts: Seven student-archaeologists have toiled the past two weeks, excavating a site where two years ago rushing floodwater provided a glimpse at life more than 700 years ago. In 2001, flooding in Leavenworth County uncovered a site that eventually would include remnants of a house, as well as other artifacts left by Indians from the Steed-Kisker era. (The caption under a picture showed Holly Smith, a graduate student at Oklahoma University, sifting soil.) The dig site is named for Scott DeMaranville, a Tonganoxie man who was searching the area for artifacts after flooding in June 2001.
Deaths: John Vincent Wake, 32, Olathe, died May 26, 2003; Frances O. Moberly, 80, Salisbury, Mo., died June 2, 2003; George W. Davis, 87, Tonganoxie, died May 23, 2003; Donald R. Kraus, 68, Tonganoxie, died June 1, 2003.
The Tonganoxie Community Historical Society Site officially opened on June 14 during the annual Tonganoxie Days celebration.
Tonganoxie teenager to sing at ‘Country Showdown’: Joey Glenn has been singing into a microphone since she was a toddler. On June 13, Glenn will participate in the Colgate Country Showdown in Nevada, Mo.
Births: Elizabeth Marie Gossett and Brandon Mark Gooden, Tonganoxie, a daughter, Kaitlynn Rose, April 25; Jennifer and Richard Kruger, McLouth, a son, Dakota William George, March 26; Cammie Lynn and Michael Greg Marceaux, Tonganoxie, a daughter, Savannah Marcellla, April 17; Richard and Janet Trull, Tonganoxie, a daughter, Jenna Danielle, May 28.
25 years ago: May 25, 1988
Co-Valedictorians for the graduating class at Tonganoxie High School are Tamara Sue Feuerborn, Jeffrey Todd Colwell and Karen Lee Daniel. Salutatorian is Barbara Jean Black.
Deaths: Ruth M. Blochberger, 76, Lawrence, died May 18, 1988; Elise Donnae Bingham, infant daughter of Kelly and Christine Bingham, Tonganoxie, died May 19, 1988; Nora F. Wensel, Corydon, Iowa, died May 7, 1988.
Birth: Steve and Sally Lawson, Merriam, a daughter, Katie Jo, born May 16, 1988.
Maple Grove, Reno and Hubbel Hill Cemeteries have a fine display of flags for Memorial Day.
Well over 100 planes and helicopters will be involved in the 12th edition of the Great Kansas Airshow, Superbatics ’88, to be held May 28-29 at Topeka’s Forbes Field. (The show was the main fundraiser for the Combat Air Museum in Topeka.)
Jarbalo Jottings: Kipp and Marci Barnett attended the funeral of her step-brother, Drury L. Moore, III, Wednesday in Shawnee and the burial at Ft. Leavenworth Thursday. Dru died last Sunday.
50 years ago: June 13, 1963
We only have one project under way on the old main street at this time. A new building is going up directly across the street from The Mirror office. Hans Freienmuth has finished up the plumbing and the floor will probably be poured in the next day or so. Fred DelBondio is the owner.
Deaths: Elmer Eugene Wilmes, 8, died Sunday in an accidental drowning; Ray W. Hallenbeck, 80, died Sunday in El Paso, Texas, where he had been living the last two years; Mrs. Ellen Elizabeth Pettingill, 86, Linwood, died Monday at her home; Funeral services for Fred Nash Horn, 72, father of Mrs. Fred Johnson, Tonganoxie, were held June 1 in Kerrville, Texas.
75 years ago: May 19, 1938
The best commencement story of this locality springs from Basehor, where G.C. Meyer is to take his son, Everett, and his nephew, Leonard Meyer, to New York as a graduation present.
Mrs. Rose Pattee, a resident of Leavenworth county for the past 81 years, died shortly before noon Monday following an illness of two months.(Rosatha Barnes Pattee was born in 1854 in Connecticut and departed this life May 16, 1938, aged 84 years, 2 months and 10 days. She came to Kansas with her parents in the spring of 1857 when only three years of age. They made the trip by steamboat up the Missouri River, landing at Leavenworth. She recalled Leavenworth when its streets were only by-paths.)
Now it’s Grandpa and Grandma Seavor! Their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Thompson of Casper, Calif., are the parents of a baby boy, born April 24, to whom they have given the name of Richard Lon.
Word was received Monday in Tonganoxie of the death that morning of Chris Peters of Farley, Mo. Mr. Peters was 66 years of age and unmarried.
100 years ago: May 29, 1913
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kemberling had a visit from the stork Monday. Dr. Coe reports that it is a boy.
W.C. Phenicie came back from Kansas City Monday with a 40-horsepower Velie, the same type of car owned by W. Laming and J.H. Dreisbach.
Dr. Slaughter reports the birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Johnson last Sunday, six miles northwest.
Maxwell “25-4”, five passenger touring car, fully equipped, $725, June 1 delivery. Zellner Mercantile Co.
A new boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McPherson May 20 near Meeker, Colo. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Papenhausen, have been out there for some weeks and are expected home today.
Mrs. Eben Karr returned to her home Tuesday in McLouth after an extended stay around here.