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Women for Kansas rally to open convention

By The Associated Press - | Aug 27, 2014

? A grassroots group called Women for Kansas is planning a public rally to open its “Taking Back Kansas” convention.

The group aims to unite women to defeat Gov. Sam Brownback and Secretary of State Kris Kobach in November. The rally takes place at 5:30 p.m. Friday on the west side of Century II in Wichita.

Speakers will include a first-time voter, a Lawrence educator and a representative from Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

The convention runs through Saturday evening, with sessions on Medicaid expansion, taxes and voting rights. Also scheduled are a session dubbed the “Kansas judiciary under attack” and a discussion of the economic contributions of immigrants.

Convention speakers will include Democrat gubernatorial candidate Paul Davis and Greg Orman, the independent running for U.S. Senate.