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Visiting Nurses to offer flu shots next week at Tonganoxie Public Library

By Shawn Linenberger - | Dec 3, 2021

Visiting Nurses will provide a flu shot clinic from 5-6:30 p.m. Dec. 9 at Tonganoxie Public Library.

The senior high dose also will be available while supplies last that day at the library, 217 E. Fourth St.

Shots are free with Medicare Part B or $40 without (available for anyone 18 or older. Anyone wanting to take advantage of the shot clinic should bring a valid identification and a Medicare Card, if applicable.

Visiting Nurses follows all CDC infection control recommendations. Visitors should take their temperatures before arriving for the clinic. They’re also asked to wear a face mask and a short-sleeve shirt. Masks will be provided if visitors do not bring them.

For questions about the flu shot clinic, email kimd@tonganoxielibrary.org. To learn more about Visiting Nurses Association, visit kansasvna.org.