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Library Corner: Tax assistance; Knitting, needlework programs

By Kim Downing - | Feb 10, 2023

Shawn Linenberger

Tonganoxie Public Library, 217 E. Fourth St.

VITA tax assistance being offered this month

The Council on Aging is taking appointments now for scheduled tax assistance dates at Tonganoxie Public Library.

In February, qualified representatives will be here on Feb. 23. There will also be additional dates in March. Those who are interested in scheduling an appointment need to call the Council on Aging at 913-684-0777 and ask for Dawn or Lori.

Some restrictions do apply.

Knitting, needlework activities are 2 new programs

The library is starting two new programs this month that revolve around knitting or needleworking.

The first is just for beginners of all ages who want to learn the basics of knitting. In this first two series class on Feb. 21 and 28 (both Tuesdays), our librarian Cheryl will lead participants in how to create potholders. Participants will learn the skills to knit through guided, easy to follow projects, such as the potholder.

The program is at 5 p.m. both days, and registration is required to attend.

Those interested should call the library at 913-845-3281 to sign up.

We’re also starting a new needlework group called Yarn & Thread, so those who knit, crochet, embroider, etc. can join us on Friday afternoons at 2 p.m. beginning Feb. 24.

It’s a self-guided meetup group for those who already know how to knit and is more of a social time to craft, chat and share what you’re working on.

There is no registration required for Yarn & Thread.

— Kim Downing is circulation coordinator at Tonganoxie Public Library. She can be reached at kimd@tonganoxielibrary.org or 913-845-3281.