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Tonganoxie City Council planning for lower mill rate

By Staff | Aug 24, 2023

Shawn Linenberger

Tonganoxie City Council Chambers are moving to the former public library at Third and Bury streets. In-person meetings also available for viewing on a city YouTube Channel could start with the Jan. 19 regular meeting.

The Tonganoxie City Council will look to implement a lower mill rate for the 2024 budget.

The city’s prop[osed budget calls for a mill rate of 43.823.

That’s down form the estimated 44.695 in 2023 and the actual rate of 45.233 for 2022.

The proposed budget is published in today’s edition of The Mirror per state statute.

On Sept. 5, at the beginning of the council’s next meeting, residents can voice concerns about the proposals during budget and revenue neutral rate hearings. Next month’s meeting will be 7 p.m. Sept. 5 at council chambers, Fifth and Bury streets.

Council meetings normally are the first and third Monday of each month, but the next meeting falls on a Tuesday due to Labor Day being the day before.

Council members will then vote later during the Sept. 5 meeting for potential adoption of the budget.

The final official budget for 2024 will then be sent to Leavenworth County Clerk Janet Klasinski later next month.