Club news
Reno Bobwhites 4-H Club
The regular monthly meeting of the Reno Bobwhites 4-H Club was called to order on Sept. 6 by president Caleb Jacobs. Winston Miller led the pledge to the American flag. Abe Jacobs led the 4-H pledge. Jennifer McCue, Emily Stoker, Alyson Baggett and adult leader Geoff McCue led the club in singing “Baby Shark.” Roll call was answered by “My Most Prized Possession.” Minutes were read and approved.
The Club Achievement Party Committee reported that it had decided to have the party at 7 p.m. Oct. 18. The club would buy pizza and pop just as it had in past years. It was voted on and the motion passed.
Becky Baggett reported that members could display samples of their project work at First State Bank for National 4-H Week. A poster contest for National 4-H Week was also announced. Elections were held to fill several offices that had opened up. The program followed. Tabitha Jacobs quoted Genesis 1:1, Galatians 2:20, and Matthew 6:33. Jason Miles read the poem “The Age of a Horse.” Abe Jacobs gave a safety tip. The birthday pig was fed and the meeting was adjourned.
Alyson Baggett, reporter
FFA chapter
Members of the Tonganoxie FFA chapter placed third at the east central district FFA land judging contest.
The event was last Wednesday in Garnett.
The students evaluated four land sites for soil texture, depth, slope, erosion, permeability, surface runoff and nutrient requirements. Two of the sites also were evaluated for their use as homesites.
Members of Team A were Travis Starcher, Raymond Sproul, Chad DeGraeve and Ashley Van Fleet, and B team members were Matt Weyer, Alecia Bradley and Chad Starcher.
Upcoming FFA events include the Greenhand Conference, horse and dairy judging and the national convention in Louisville, Ky.
Leavenworth County
4-H Junior Leaders
Brian Ross, vice president of the Leavenworth County 4-H Junior Leaders, called the group’s monthly meeting to order on Sept. 17.
The club elected these officers, Brian Ross, president; Mary Grasela, vice president; Camille Schmierer, secretary and reporter; James Bailey, treasurer; Christine Glover, historian; Natalie Hall, recreation leader; and Zach Buddish and Jimmy Bailey, county council representatives.
Club members discussed Junior Leader appreciation, and the club decided to hold a Halloween party and to travel to haunted houses in Kansas City. The club’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Lansing 4-H building.
Camille Schmierer, reporter
Livewire’s 4-H Club
Livewire’s 4-H Club met on Sept. 10, at the Jarbalo United Methodist Church. We’re starting a new year with new community leaders, Karen Campbell, Brenda Morris and Bonnie Yunghans.
Lee Smelser led the club in the flag salute and club pledge.
The club welcomed guests. A thank you note was read from Peggy Sproul for giving her the opportunity and pleasure to be a leader.
Nicole Theno gave a demonstration “Touched by an Angel,” making an angel from a clay flower pot.
The club will be attending 4-H Sunday at the Fairmont Methodist Church at 8:30 a.m. Oct 7.
National Cleanup Day is Oct 15, meet at the Basehor Methodist Church if you would like to help.
Record books are due to Mrs. Yunghans on Sept. 25.
Our new 4-H year is also starting with new officers: president, Katie Yunghans; vice president, Ashley Alloway; secretary, Daniel Lohman; treasurer, Brook Theno; county council, Kelly Yunghans/David Campbell; reporter, Leah Overbaugh; historian, Lisa Smelser; parliamentary, Bryan Morris; song leaders, Ira Parsons/Max Packard; recreation, Brad Jones/Nicole Theno.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 8. After feeding the birthday pig and singing “Happy Birthday,” the club dismissed by saying the club motto.
TLC met on Sept. 9, at the Riford Center. Hostesses were Deloris White and Doris Druley. Twelve members answered roll call by remembering the happiest times of their lives. The July minutes were read and approved.
Jean Lenahan thanked all who worked at the Craft Patch at the County Fair. She then handed out a list of items most needed at the Good Shepherd Thrift Shop, stressing that everything donated is appreciated. TLC has adopted the policy that each member will bring an item for the Good Shepherd to each meeting. Jean also asked us to consider adopting a family for Christmas through the Good Shepherd.
Election of officers was conducted. The following are our new officers: President, Mary Latham; vice president, Juanita Lambert; secretary, public relations, Susy Ross; and treasurer, Jean Lenahan.
It was agreed to ask Wanita Greathouse if she would continue serving as historian for another year.
The following members volunteered to serve on committees: unit council representative, Mary Latham, spring fling, Delores White and Mary Latham, flower show, Jean Lenahan and Susy Ross and craft patch, Jean Lenahan and Patti Huebner.
Mary Latham read the council report, emphasizing that the council lesson “Got Soy,” will be Sept. 24, the Council meeting will be Sept. 25 and that next year’s spring fling will be on March 16.
Mary asked everyone to bring a friend to our meetings.
Next month’s meeting, Oct. 9, will be a luncheon at Badd Jack’s new southwestern restaurant.
Susy Ross
The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) club that meets in the Tonganoxie City Library Thursday mornings, noted a “graduation” for Sherryl Cooley, who reached her weight goal. When a member arrives at a desired weight, it is said he or she has achieved “KOPS” status, which means “Keep Off Pounds Sensibly.”