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Work on signals get under way

By Caroline Trowbridge - | Oct 17, 2001

Work was to begin this week on installation of traffic signals at the intersection of U.S. Highway 24-40 and 24-59 in Lawrence, commonly known as Teepee Junction.

“We will have all of the dirt work done, then it will be a matter of waiting for the signal arms to come in,” said Scott Wiltz, a traffic signal technician and electrician with O.K. Johnson Electric Co. Inc., Topeka.

Wiltz said it likely would be January before the poles and arms will be installed.

Wiltz’s firm was awarded the $90,995 contract for installation of the signals.

According to the transportation department, traffic counts completed last summer showed:

7,340 vehicles a day travel into the intersection from the east.

7,730 vehicles a day travel into the intersection from the north.

13,045 vehicles a day travel into the intersection from the south.