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Exercise your right to vote on Tuesday

By Staff | Jul 31, 2002

While primary elections aren’t always the sexiest beasts, particularly if you’re a Democrat, they’re still important.

The state’s Republicans are duking it out in several races, most notably the four-candidate race for governor and the three-way race for attorney general.

The Democrats, on the other hand, generally are running one candidate for each statewide office. And in Kansas, which is primarily a Republican state, that makes sense. Don’t divide comparatively small forces.

So for Democrats, voting in next Tuesday’s primary election doesn’t make a great deal of sense to some. But it’s still important.

Because we can vote, we should. Voting is our right. Many of our forefathers and foremothers fought very hard to participate in this act that we now take so casually.

During this patriotic time, it will be interesting to see whether Kansans Republicans and Democrats go to the polls. It seems only right that they should.