Remember when: a community review
10 years ago: May 20, 1992
(Picture) Colene DeHoff is retiring after 34 years in education. Originally from Kansas City, Kan., Colene Slawson finished her senior year in Tonganoxie after her parents, Raymond and Lillian Slawson, moved here. (Article continued, with details of Mrs. Colene Slawson DeHoff’s teaching career.)
(Picture) Donna Ruth DeHoff retires as Tonganoxie school nurse. (Miss Donna Ruth Denholm joined the Cadet Corps for nurses after graduating from Tonganoxie High School. She graduated as a registered nurse in 1947 and married Mr. Lloyd DeHoff that same year. Article detailed her career.)
Clarence and Virginia Schafer were married on May 20, 1942, in Kansas City, Kan. In honor of 50 years of marriage, a party was given at their home on May 17, 1992, to celebrate the event.
Deaths: Allyne H. Thornton, 74, Lawrence, died May 17, 1992; Thekla Laming Wooden, 84, Lees Summit, Mo., died May 18, 1992.
(Pictures) Thirty-one students graduated from McLouth High School on May 17, 1992. (Jason Funk was valedictorian and Denise Crawford was salutatorian.)
More than 600 Emporia State University students completed requirements for degrees during the 1992 spring semester. Among the graduates was Loralee DeLisle Stevens, Tonganoxie, and Brenda Kaye Shamley, Linwood.
25 years ago: May 18, 1977
Eighty-six seniors from Tonganoxie High school are scheduled to graduate on May 24, 1977. Debbie Knipp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Knipp, is the valedictorian of the 1977 graduating class. Debbie Tice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merald Tice, is the salutatorian.
(Picture) Mr. and Mrs. Allan A. Coffman, Reno, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, May 22, and will be honored with an open house for friends and family from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Leavenworth County Fairgrounds 4-H building in Tonganoxie.
Mr. and Mrs. Jere Hummelgaard, Tonganoxie, announce the birth of their daughter, Kelly Rae, born May 3, 1977.
Death: Thomas R. Garrison, 94, Kansas City, Kan., died May 11, 1977.
(Picture) The children of Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Pouppirt request the honor of your presence at the repeating of their vows on their 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday, June 5, 1977, at the Basehor Baptist Temple.
A most enjoyable day was experienced May 14 at the home of Mrs. Mina Lawrence, Tonganoxie, to celebrate her 90th birthday.
Graduation exercises for Tonganoxie Grade School will be held Wednesday, May 25, at 8 p.m. Cheri Sparks, salutatorian, will welcome the guests. Stephanie Daniel will deliver the valedictorian’s address. The names of the 106 graduates will appear in next week’s Mirror.
50 years ago: May 29, 1952
The Gene Foleys, McLouth, Route 2, have a new girl, born Tuesday, the fifth girl in a row. Mrs. Foley was Kitty Lou Coburn, a Tonganoxie girl. Looks like Gene isn’t going to have anybody to help with the farm chores.
A group of ladies of the Friends Church surprised Mrs. Frank Hoey last Thursday afternoon with a housewarming party. They came loaded with flowers, angel food cakes, ice cream and gifts. Not all of the 27 families represented by the gifts were present. Everyone reached home before the hail and wind storm struck that evening.
Men in the service: Jack Metzger is located in reserve in Kapyong, Korea. He is a cook and will move up to the front by the 15th of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Cook, daughter Peggy and Rita Slawson are taking a motor trip through Arkansas and Georgia.
Mrs. Bertha Jackson of Pueblo, Colo., is spending a week in Tonganoxie visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Korb and other relatives.
Dean Freeman is seriously ill in Memorial Hospital, at Lawrence.
Janice Neibarger, who has been advertising manager of Emahizer-Spielman Furniture Co. in Topeka the past year, has taken a job with an advertising agency in Kansas City.
75 years ago: May 12, 1927
Mrs. Jessie B. Lloyd of Tonganoxie, died at her home Friday evening. She was 60 years, 4 months and 17 days of age.
The Bleakley school, at which Miss Mary Lenahan teaches, closed Thursday, with a dinner and program. She has been hired again to teach there next year.
Sunday morning the people of Tonganoxie got a glimpse of the giant dirigible balloon TC-10 when it passed directly over Tonganoxie on its forced return to Fort Leavenworth on account of storms. This ship, shaped like a large sausage, was one of the first airships of this kind seen here.
Mound: Mrs. Perry Ford’s mother, Mrs. Siler, died at her home in Lawrence, May 6.
Roses are budding at the Tom Gallagher home on Pleasant Street. Trees have been set out there. Watching these grow should be a pleasure for Tom during the next 50 years or so.
What they say: Judge McNaughton: “When you fellows are as old as I am, you’ll know that about 10 men in a community do most of the community work.”
Mrs. J. Freienmuth was the guest of her son, Emil, at the Acacia House in Lawrence on Mothers’ Day.
Ed Hunt is now riding in a new Essex sedan.
Misses Susie Todd and Lizzie Davis of Lawrence spent Mother’s day with Miss Todd’s mother, Mrs. W.C. Phenicie.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dohrn, Friday, May 6, to whom the name Anna Carlene has been given.
100 years ago: May 22, 1902
The cheese factory at this place is doing a good business, and averages about 2,000 pounds of cheese per week (Reno).
Basehor: The social given by the M.E. church in Truskey’s hall, was a grand success. The receipts were $28.50.
Reno: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Paronto became the parents to a daughter last Monday.
In trying to state a case impartially, you usually make both sides mad. This is the great trouble in the newspaper business.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cronemeyer became the parents of a daughter Monday morning, at Lawrence.
A new telephone list is out. There are 88 phones on the system, and the list is steadily getting larger. James Stone had a phone put in Saturday and the line is completed to his farm. It will probably be continued on to Reno soon.
W.J. Wiley and family left Friday, for Higby, Mo., to attend a family reunion in honor of his grandmother’s birthday. The old lady was a century old Sunday, and the family thought it an unusual event worthy of a celebration.