Work scheduled for county road
Next spring, road construction is expected to begin on a major county road.
A one-mile stretch of Leavenworth County Road 2, which links U.S. Highway 24-40 with Kansas Highway 32, will be improved from Evans Road to Kansas Avenue.
According to Dave Mahoney, Leavenworth County engineer, six-foot-wide shoulders will be added. And, where County Road 2 intersects with Evans Road and Kansas Avenue, left-turn lanes will be installed.
Mahoney said the road was identified as a high-accident location, which qualified it for a federal safety grant. The federal government will pay for 90 percent of construction, and the county’s share of construction will be 10 percent.
Last week the bids were let, with Leneaweaver Construction, Lansing, submitting the low bid of $1.41 million, Mahoney said. The bid must be approved by Kansas Department of Transportation, which administers the grant, before it’s official.
The county has already completed acquisition of right of way, paying about $300,000 for the property, Mahoney said.
When road construction begins in the spring, traffic will be routed to 166th Street via Metro Avenue. This road is paved from Evans Road to U.S. Highway 24-40.
Mahoney said dust control will be put on the unpaved section of the road. Mahoney said he hopes construction will be completed by about the time school begins in the fall. Basehor-Linwood’s Glenwood Ridge Elementary School is in the construction area.