Remember When: A Community Review
10 years ago: July 28, 1993
Births: Christina Lynn Voelker, Oregon, Mo., announces the arrival of a baby sister, Courtney Diane, on July 18, 1993; Robert and Helen Klinkenberg, rural Leavenworth, announce the birth of s son, Corey Marshall, on July 15, 1993.
The American Red Cross collected 58 pints of blood during the semi-annual community blood drive last Friday.
The Irwins — Bill, Alberta, Steve, Liz and baby Will — accompanied by Frank “Pop” Patten attended the 90th birthday party of Hattie Holman in Kansas City on Saturday. Hattie is Alberta’s aunt and Frank’s sister-in-law.
Family and friends of Miss Carrie Jo Scheller were happy to share in her 21st birthday celebration on July 21st at the family residence.
Death: Pearl Holtel, 88, Tonganoxie, died July 24, 1993.
Springdale Scene: Lawrence Uhlrich and Wayne and Anabell Knapp attended the 50th birthday celebration for Johnny Moses at the 4-H building Saturday evening.
Leona Smith of Oskaloosa, celebrated her 90th birthday June 17, with a group of friends and relatives from Las Vegas, Nevada, Colorado, Topeka, Perry and Oskaloosa.
Jarbalo Jottings: Doug and Lisa Knox held a birthday party at their home in Leavenworth Saturday night for their twin daughters, Alicia and Renee, who were 18 that day.
25 years ago: July 26, 1978
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wiley, Tonganoxie, will celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary on July 19, 1978.
(Picture) Jane Baldwin, Tonganoxie, has been invited to participate in the seventh World Championship Show and Convention of the American Junior Quarter Horse Association (AJQHA) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Aug. 7-12.
The Peters family reunion and picnic was held July 22 at Moila Shrine Park, in Leavenworth. There were 78 in attendance.
Springdale News: About 35 relatives gathered Sunday at the Vernon Tullis home for a basket dinner in honor of Mrs. Tullis’ sister, Mrs. Edith Turngough, Sacramento, Calif.
The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Leimkuhler have returned home from a vacation trip to Kentucky, Tennessee and into Norfolk, Va. where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bayer and family.
Frank Bliss will be awarded his Eagle award Sunday, Aug. 6, at the Sacred Heart Church. Everyone is welcome to attend this special Eagle Court of honor. Frank is a member of Boy Scout Troop 75.
50 years ago: Aug. 6, 1953
Death: George E. Ellis was born March 17, 1863, at Taulbling, Ohio, and passed away July 29, 1953, at the age of 90 years, 4 months and 12 days.
Over 200 friends and relatives called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Somers Sunday afternoon and evening and helped them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
We seem to be heading into a season of golden weddings. Mr. and Mrs. John Winslow have one coming Aug. 16, and Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Laming will observe their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 12.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiley of Jarbalo announce the birth of a son Aug. 1, to whom they have given the name of David Everett.
Jarbalo: Mr. and Mrs. Eston Little, Leavenworth, announce the birth of a son, Robert Walter, July 26.
Basehor: David Edwin Lamb, 56, a former professional baseball player, collapsed and died at his farm at Basehor. (Mr. Lamb was a catcher with the Kansas City Blues from 1920-1923, then was with various teams in at least six minor leagues in his 16-year baseball career.)
75 years ago: July 19, 1928
Basehor: Mrs. Mrytle Smith Stricklen, formerly of Basehor, but now of Piper, died in Kansas City, Mo., at Lakeside Hospital Friday afternoon.
Coal Ridge: A number of girls enjoyed a basket dinner in the woods Sunday afternoon.
Mound: Mrs. Jesse Babcock and daughters spent Monday with Mrs. Arch Vestal and helped her cook for the threshers.
Friendship Valley: We had quite a mad dog scare in this neighborhood Monday. Walter Jones killed a dog after it had bitten a dog for him and a pig for John Davidson.
Stanwood: Miss Edna Spray went to Leavenworth last Thursday and had her tonsils removed. She came home Friday and is recovering nicely.
Mary Elinora, 4-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nirschl, Kansas City, Kan., died suddenly Monday morning.
100 years ago:
July 30, 1903
Mrs. H.V. Needham was operated upon at St. Joseph hospital in Kansas City, last Thursday, and it was found that he ailment was a cancerous tumor. It was apparent at once that there were no chances of recovery. Mrs. Needham began sinking and Friday afternoon her sufferings of several years terminated. Catherine Lowe Needham, at her death was 59 years, three months and 15 days old.
Ambrose P. Eggleston died suddenly Sunday morning at this home in McLouth of hemorrhage of the stomach. The funeral was held Monday, from the home. Mr. Eggleston was 77 years old.
Stanwood: Elmer Jones is so happy you can hear him smile. It’s a girl.