Aunt Norie’s Sewing Room
She had been searching for a pattern for the crazy quilt. There never really was any pattern for them. They actually were begun back in those days when no one wasted anything. They used beautiful scraps, bits and pieces of fine and colorful fabrics. Cloth from firmly woven neckties, velvets, brocades and such were favorites, and were saved-up for quilts, pillows and throws.
The charm and beauty of those quilts often lay in the colorful stitching designs that were added to the finished quilt. The hand embroidered stitching of some were outstanding. Many of them now in museums are real works of art.
They were simply made by overlapping and stitching the scraps onto a muslin backing, Some were made in actual blocks and then joined with strips of fabric. The most treasured and beautiful were seemingly made all in one piece, as if they had begun in the center and grown outward. To do that, they would add to the muslin backing as the quilt grew in size, the embroidery work was done as they went, along with the piecing. They even used silk glossy embroidery thread. I’m not sure it’s even available now.
Your local library would be a good place to start researching. They have many books on quilting with patterns and instructions, along with the history. Remember now, always cut your thread on a slant, easier to thread the needle’s eye.
If you would like to learn to crochet, let us know. We’re gonna have fun.
God bless, Aunt Norie, P. O. Box 265, Tonganoxie, 66086-0265.