Council briefs: Minutes issue draws much debate, City to look again at Sunday sales
Minutes issue draws city council debate
Not satisfied with wording in minutes taken during recent meetings, council member Velda Roberts on Monday presented new minutes
In a revised minutes package sent to the council, Roberts noted various changes in the June 23 and July 14 meetings.
Council member Emmett Wetta, though, showed displeasure with the reconstruction of the minutes.
“I’m kind of disturbed that we’re allowing the minutes to be redone by the council,” Wetta said. “It just doesn’t sit right with me to decide what’s going into the official minutes.
“I’m concerned that the council is going to sit here and talk about this over and over again. I don’t want to get hung up in trivial matters.”
Roberts disagreed with the assessment.
“I have no intention of nitpicking the minutes,” Roberts said. “I have better things to do.”
Wetta then proposed that the original minutes remain, but after further discussion, he retracted the motion.
The new minutes included inclusion of city attorney Mike Crow’s advice on a rezoning issue, the attachment of planning commission records as part of permanent record and correction on a council member’s motion for adjournment.
Another item simply changed wording in Crow’s advice to the council.
City to look again
at Sunday sales
A special hearing Aug. 25 will explore the possibility of Sunday liquor sales in Tonganoxie once again.
The council previously said no to the idea based on public comment and liquor store owners showed no interest.
But after Leavenworth, Lansing, Edwardsville, Bonner Springs and now Lawrence have approved Sunday sales, Harry “Corky” Krouse Jr., owner of Corky’s Liquor, voiced concern at Monday’s meeting because of competition.
“I don’t like that we’re pinned in now and Saturdays are our biggest day,” Krouse said. “We didn’t want it until they boxed us in.”
The council now will conduct a public hearing on Aug. 25 to discuss Sunday liquor sales.